Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Study


Release Date: 

  • June 2008 (26 pages)

Posted Date:   

  • November 25, 2008
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Built-out communities and communities with land use restrictions have significant barriers to overcome when implementing affordable housing. The limited availability of land suitable for development forces community leaders to come up with creative solutions to the affordable housing crisis. Several of these jurisdictions are now turning to accessory dwelling units (ADUs) — also referred to as granny flats, accessory apartments, or second units — as an inexpensive way to increase their housing supply. Restrictive zoning policies are being revised to allow development of these units. However, such policies are often met with community opposition from residents concerned that ADUs will change their neighborhood’s character, promote overcrowding, and increase traffic congestion. This case study examines the history and benefits of ADUs, and highlights six communities that have successfully implemented ADU ordinances.
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