• April 4, 2017.  Mayor and County Recognition Day for National Service.  AmeirCorps and Senior Corps logo.  Find more resources.

  • Now accepting 2017 AmeriCorps Applications

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About Us

We are the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that helps millions of Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. Working hand in hand with local partners, we tap the ingenuity and can-do spirit of the American people to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our nation.

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From Our Blog

YouthBuild Opens Doors to Opportunity and Success

Here’s a great clip about AmeriCorps grantee YouthBuild and how the program helped transform the life of a high school dropout and teen mom. 

The Commission on Economic Opportunity in Troy, NY, sponsors a YouthBuild program that offers 16-24 year olds who are not in school or employed the chance to complete their studies while learning construction and workplace skills that can change their lives for the better. Take a few minutes to watch Nilka’s story and be inspired.

(H/T Commission on Economic Opportunity)

Learn more about YouthBuild

Learn more about the Commission on Economic Opportunity

Feb 9, 2017

By Greg Tucker


Sure, you probably will be watching The Big Game this weekend, but before you lose yourself into spectacle surrounding America’s most-popular unofficial holiday, consider these Super Sunday connections to service. (Warning: GIF party ahead.)

Super First Family Does Coin Flip



Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara are scheduled to perform the coin toss before the Patriots and Falcons square off on the gridiron. The 41st president is a great friend and supporter of national service and volunteering, signing the 1990 National and Community Service Act that created the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). During his presidency, President Bush began a movement to recognize citizens for exemplary service as “Points of Light,” which continues to this day through the eponymous nonprofit organization based in Atlanta.

The Home of Service Superstars



Feb 3, 2017
Time, patience, and an open mind develops relationships

Armed with his toolbox including a rich history of volunteer service, patience and genuine kindness, Daniel Marron leaves his home each day with a mission to help troubled youth turn their lives around. He is a Senior Corps mentor.

Marron serves at the Alternative Ed Charter School in Calexico, Calif., through Catholic Charities’ Foster Grandparent program in Imperial Valley, a very rural and impoverished county 60 miles west of the Yuma, Ariz., border.  

Positive male role models are often non-existent in the lives of many at-risk teens. Marron and mentors like him, recognize that it takes time and enormous patience for the trust factor to develop within the relationship between themselves and their mentees.  

“These young men have lost their way, they seldom trust adults so why should they trust us?” said Marron. “We need to earn their trust through our actions and sincerity; we need to listen and be genuinely interested in what we are hearing.”

The majority of students assigned to Marron arrive with histories of incarceration, problems related to drug use, social and emotional issues, poor school attendance, and other barriers that prevented their enrollment in traditional high schools. It’s not uncommon for these youth to have parents or family members in prison, a chronic cycle that the program mentors strive to change before it’s too late.    

Marron takes his role seriously, always looking for proactive ways to help his mentees move past the many barriers to their success, both in school and their personal lives. Recently Marron and the entire 10th grade class celebrated the successful transition of two of his mentees to the community’s traditional high school.

Jan 27, 2017

By: Kelly DeGraff, Senior Advisor for Disaster Services 


As we kick off a new year, and turn our attention to the severe storms and tornadoes in the Southeast, I want to extend my heartfelt greetings and appreciation to all of our disaster partners for our remarkable accomplishments and achievements in 2016. Through advancements in operations and training, the generation of millions of dollars, and the critical services provided during devastating disaster events, we witnessed the great strength and power of the AmeriCorps Disaster Response Teams (A-DRTs). 

In 2016, our agency received nearly $6 million to support FEMA response and recovery efforts. More than 1,329 A-DRTs deployed to seven nationally-declared disasters where more than 1,400 homes and structures were mucked and gutted. Mucking and gutting is essential to returning families and individuals back to their homes. Without these services, homes quickly become unsalvageable, contributing to the devastating loss of available, affordable, housing in communities most in need. In December, I attended a meeting at the White House where Craig Fugate, former FEMA Administrator, credited the A-DRTs with leading a criti+cal role in saving the housing stock. This was one of many occasions where the outstanding efforts of our disaster teams have been honored.

All A-DRT programs deployed to disasters in 2016!  With their unfailing commitment and dedication, we spent 11 months of 2016 deployed to disasters – a record for CNCS. The agency has been working under consecutive Mission Assignments since June 2015, deploying 12 months straight and picking up again in July 2016 in West Virginia and Texas simultaneously. This is nearly two years of back-to-back major disaster deployments.

Jan 26, 2017

Highlighted Blog Posts

Blog Post

 As we celebrate the holiday season, it is fitting to take a few moments to reflect on the accomplishments and milestones that define the Corporation...

National Service Tweets

Our Program Tweets


President Obama painting wall

Serve Your Community

There are many reasons to serve. Get information on how you can give back to your community.

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Disaster Services Unit on site following a disaster.

Impact Your Nation

The members and volunteers who serve in CNCS programs provide vital assistance to organizations.

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Service members working on housing project.

Build Your Capacity

Through programs and grants, CNCS provides human capital—people power—to help you address emerging needs in your community.

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Find a Volunteer Opportunity

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National Service in Your State

See the impact service has throughout our nation.

National Service in Your State - US Map with state's labeled - Click here to find service projects in your state


eGrants is an online system designed to automate the entire grants and project management process from application to closeout.

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Funding Opportunities

The Corporation of National and Community Service provides grants to organizations committed to strengthening their communities through volunteering.

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National Service Blog

Tags: AmeriCorps, National Service, Education, Segal Education Award, highlight
Tags: YouthBuild, AmeriCorps, National Service, Economic Opportunity, opportunity youth, New York, highlight
Tags: National Service, AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Volunteering, CNCS, Habitat for Humanity, City Year, Points of Light


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