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Mitigation Fact Sheets (40)

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Fact Sheets and Frequently Asked Questions about Mitigation Programs
Collection Created:
July 26, 2013
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  • Tornado Safety Initiative: Saving Lives When Tornadoes Strike

    Tornadoes are incredibly violent events and sufficient warning is not always possible. People need to be ready to take shelter immediately. FEMA works with its partners to support initiatives that protect people from severe wind events. The agency assesses building damages and identifies lessons learned after tornadoes; funds research on shelter design and construction standards; develops best practices and technical manuals on safe rooms and community shelters; and produces public education materials on tornado preparedness and response.
  • National Tsunami Mitigation Program: Preparing for Tsunami Hazards

    The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) is a Federal and State program designed to protect people and reduce property losses in the event of a tsunami. Led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the NTHMP consists of other primary participants , including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program is currently expanding to include 17 new coastal U.S. States, territories, and commonwealths at some level of risk to tsunamis along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, and elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Rebuilding After a Wildfire Fact Sheet

    Returning to your fire-damaged home will undoubtedly be an emotional experience. But as you go about the task of rebuilding, there are many ways to rebuild safer, stronger, smarter and more resilient to wildfires. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has teamed with Firewise Communities, the Federal Alliance for Safe Housing, and the Institute for Business and Home Safety to provide this resource for rebuilding after a fire.
  • Role of Mitigation Post-Disaster Fact Sheet

    Following a disaster, FEMA’s mitigation programs play a critical role developing and integrating disaster operations policies, procedures, and training under the National Response Plan. The Regional and Disaster Support Branch within the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration acts as the coordination point for mitigation disaster operations and activities.

  • Avoiding Hurricane Damage: A Checklist for Homeowners

    Preparing for hurricane season means more than just making a disaster kit and reviewing your family‘s disaster plan, although those are critical first steps. There’s much more you can do to protect your home and your family before a hurricane hits. FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration recommends you take the following additional steps to prepare for the hurricane season.

  • QuakeSmart Fact Sheet

    The QuakeSmart program is designed to encourage business leaders and owners in areas of the U.S. that are at risk from earthquakes to take actions that will mitigate damage to their businesses, provide greater safety for customers and employees, and speed recovery in the event of an earthquake. This Fact Sheet provides additional information about the program and how to reach out to businesses.
  • Be Aware of Potential Dam Failure in Your Community Fact Sheet

    This 2 page flyer is for the general public. Approximately 14,000 dams in the United States are classified as high-hazard potential, meaning that their failure could result in loss of life. The most important steps you can take to protect yourself from dam failure are to know your risk. Dams present risks, but they also provide many benefits.

  • Reengineered FEMA BCA Earthquake Structural Module (Version 4)

    A comparison between Benefit-Cost Analysis Software Version 3 and Version 4 for Earthquake Module.

  • Benefit Cost Analysis Reference Guide

    Formerly the BCA Handbook, the BCA Reference Guide provides BCA software users with an overview of the grant programs, application development, benefits and costs, and the location of BCA guidance documents and helpful information. This guide also outlines sources of additional information needed to use the software to obtain a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) for a single project or multiple projects.

  • Data Requirements for HMGP Applications

    Provides information to assist the applicant on types of data required, types of documentation to use and what to submit in an application to determine feasibility. This fact sheet can be utilized for all types of hazard mitigation grant applications.

  • Environmental and Historic Preservation HM Guidance by Project Type

    Provides list of EHP information needed by project/ type of project.
  • Facility Data Fact Sheet

    Provides list of property information that should be submitted when creating a hazard mitigation grant application. Property and facility data requirements are similar. Applicants should utilize this factsheet for important data that specifically applies to facilities. This information could assist in the applications Benefit cost Analyses (BCA) Examples but not limited to: drainage and culvert, Acquisitions and Demolition.

  • Engineering Data Fact Sheet

    While the project type determines the specific engineering data requirements, typical engineering data needed is included in this fact sheet and divided into a variety of project types.

  • What are In-Kind Contributions?

    Provides information on meeting the 25% non-federal cost share match through cash, in-kind, or a combination of both. The fact sheet defines in-kind contributions, qualifications for in-kind contributions, and determining the value of in-kind contributions. Examples of in-kind contributions are provided. This fact sheet can be utilized for all types of hazard mitigation grant applications.

  • Plan Tip Sheet

    Provides the applicant with the basic requirements in submitting a hazard mitigation planning grant application under the HMGP 7% set aside allowance.

  • Project Tip Sheet

    Provides a list of information to include in an application. This will assist the applicant in gathering and providing the information needed for their Mitigation project.

  • Property Data Fact Sheet

    Provides list of property information that should be submitted when creating a hazard mitigation grant application. Applicants should utilize this factsheet for each property identified in the project. Examples but not limited to: Generators, Safe rooms, Acquisitions and Demolition, warning sirens, drainage and culverts.

  • Scope of Work Fact Sheet

    Explains the SOW requirement when applying for an grant and provides tips on the development of a good SOW. This fact sheet can be utilized for all types of hazard mitigation grant applications.

  • Guidelines for Preparing an Environmental Assessment for FEMA

    This document is an outline for how to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for FEMA-funded grant projects, including specifications for the public comment period.

  • Environmental and Historic Preservation Tips

    EHP review is required for all Mitigation projects, regardless of program, with the exception of Mitigation Plans.