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State and Local Data Integration

MAP-21 requires States to maintain a database that is sufficient to support analysis of safety on all public roadways. Public include roadways owned by the state, county, city or town, and any other public entity, such as National park. The State and Local Data Integration project provides information for State and Local agencies on cost-effective ways to develop integrated safety data systems. In some cases, the data already exist but are collected by local and regional agencies and stored in a system at the local level. In other cases, complete high quality data are not collected either by the State or the local entities. In either case, in order to meet the requirements under MAP-21, States are undertaking projects for collection and integration of the local roadway inventory data into the statewide database. Products of this activity include: Case studies, guides, pilot studies, and links to other pertinent resources, including training.

This activity is developing.

Benefit to Your Agency
The project can help agencies develop an approach for integrating local road data into state data systems. Doing so ensure that they have complete data for safety decision making aimed at improving safety on all public roads.

Stuart Thompson, FHWA-HQ


Michigan Roadsoft – Integration of State and Local Safety Data Case Study
The program provides roadway asset management, field data collection, maintenance management, and safety analysis tools to local agencies. Each local agency maintains its own data in a local copy of Roadsoft and shares that information with the State upon request.

Ohio Location Based Response System – Integration of State and Local Safety Data Case Study
The program provides consistent location referencing for all public roadways. ODOT maintains the statewide roadway inventory database and integrates data owned and supplied by the local agencies.

Tennessee Roadway Information System – Integration of State and Local Safety Data Case Study
This case study outlines a centralized, State-led data collection effort for safety data and analysis. The Tennessee Roadway Information Management System (TRIMS) is a single integrated system that includes State and local roadways, structures, pavement, traffic, photo logs, and crash data.

Wisconsin Information System for Local Roads – Integration of State and Local Safety Data Case Study
This program results in an all-public-roads database using a single LRS and basemap. Local agencies collect and own the data, but the centralized system is available to all authorized users.

Agencies with solid safety data programs can use state-of-the-practice safety analysis tools to inform safety management, planning, programming, and project development decision making. These analysis tools can help agencies get the biggest bang for their dollar.
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Pilot Studies
Data management is the development and implementation of data architectures, policies, practices, and procedures that properly and effectively manage the agency’s safety data program. These activities are critical to a program’s long term effectiveness.
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Agencies with solid safety data programs can use state-of-the-practice safety analysis tools to inform safety management, planning, programming, and project development decision making. These analysis tools can help agencies get the biggest bang for their dollar.
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Additional Resources
Data management is the development and implementation of data architectures, policies, practices, and procedures that properly and effectively manage the agency’s safety data program. These activities are critical to a program’s long term effectiveness.
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Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000