Mid-Pacific Region Drought

Latest Drought Info

Shasta Temperature Management Plan (June 2015)

Sacramento River Settlement Contractor Framework (April 2015)

State Water Project and Central Valley Project Temporary Urgency Change Petition - 1/23/15

CVP and SWP Drought Contingency Plan January 15, 2015 through September 30, 2015 - 1/15/15

Temporary Urgency Change Petition NOAA Fisheries and US Fish and Wildlife Service Concurrence Documents - 1/30/15

Drought News

Drought Documents

interactive image of drought watchWith California in the midst of one of the driest winters on record, Gov. Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency for the state on January 17, 2014 and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for drought conditions.

The governor's drought declaration came with a call for all Californians to do all they can to reduce water use 20%.

The governor directed Californians to the Save Our Water website -- a partnership between ACWA and the California Department of Water Resources -- to learn ways to reduce household water use, indoor and outdoor.

interactive Water Smart logo - click to go to WaterSMART website
non-interactive NIDIS logo
U.S. Drought Portal
Interactive Graphic on California Water - Click to visit the website



Last Updated: 12/5/16