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News Organizations

A special report of the CNN News with breaking news and background stories on the trial.

Jurist Legal News & Research

Jurist is a legal research website supported and founded by a team of law students (external link) and law professors at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This site includes several authoritative sources on the trial of Saddam Hussein.


Iraqi Special Tribunal

This English translation of the statutes provided by this site is unofficial.

United States Department of State

This site includes specific examples of violations of United Nations Security Council resolutions by Saddam Hussein.

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Nongovernmental Organizations

American Society of International Law

Nonprofit, nonpartisan educational membership organization whose stated mission is to foster the study of international law.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a “worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights.”  This web page discusses the provisions of the Tribunal Statue and the Rules in terms of their fair trial guarantees.

Case School of Law Grotian Moment

The Case Western Reserve University School of Law site includes detailed information on the trial of Saddam Hussein.

Cornell International Law Journal Spring Synposium 2005, Milosevic & Hussein on Trial, Ithaca, New York, Feb. 25-26, 2005.

Ruth Wegewood, Burling Professor of International Law & Diplomacy at School of Advanced Studies John Hopkins University, Address to Cornell International Law Journal Symposium

Global Policy Forum

Global Policy Forum describes its mission as “to monitor policy making at the United Nations, promote accountability of global decisions, educate and mobilize for global citizen participation, and advocate on vital issues of international peace and justice.”  This web page includes “discussions about the status of Saddam Hussein and other top officials in his regime, their future trials and implications for international justice and criminal law.”

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is “dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.”  This web page has a series of articles on aspects of the trial, in reverse chronological order.

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Last Updated: 07/03/2007