


The Media Campaign Resource Center (MCRC) provides tobacco-control organizations with tools for finding, learning about, and ordering CDC-licensed tobacco counter-advertisements. The MCRC collection includes television, radio, print, and out-of-home ads as well as earned media and collateral materials in a variety of formats.

Registered MCRC users can initiate an order by requesting cost information for one or more ads. An MCRC administrator responds to all information requests and, if the requestor agrees to the estimated costs and usage terms, expedites the order process. (For more information on MCRC policies and procedures, see FAQs.)

MCRC Enhancements

Based on feedback from the MCRC user community, the MCRC team is busy enhancing MCRC with major new features. The current release provides users with the following recent enhancements.

  • Responsive Design: Experience optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices, e.g. mobile, tablets, etc.
  • Extended Keyword Search: Perform extended keyword searches for ads and campaigns using a faceted search design
  • Usability Enhancements: Easily navigate MCRC with an improved user interface

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