two children reading at PRIME TIME family reading program in New Orleans

Education for Global Citizenship: PRIME TIME Family Reading Time

At public libraries and community centers across the country, PRIME TIME Family Reading Time brings families with children ages 6-10 together to share a meal and read together.

Taj Mahal through the trees

Muslim Journeys Bookshelf Impact Summary

NEH launched a Bridging Cultures project called the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf in 2012 to make scholar-selected books and films about Muslim culture and history available to American libraries.

1913: Seeds of Conflict

One of the many documentary films exploring other cultures, people, and countries funded by the Bridging Cultures through Film grants.  

Convicts in Barracks

Created Equal: America's Civil Rights Struggle

A packaged set of four nationally-acclaimed films that tell the remarkable stories of individuals who challenged the social and legal status quo, from slavery to segregation.

C. Brian Rose, University of Pennsylvania archaeologist

Bridging Cultures Through Archaeology: Exploring Ancient Turkey

Six thousand years before ancient people erected the Stonehenge ring of giant pillars in England, their distant ancestors built twenty circles of similar megaliths on a hill in Eastern Turkey.

Martin E. Marty

Out of Many

Esteemed scholar of American religion Martin Marty speaks at summer seminar for community college faculty.

photo of student at White House Freedom Riders screening

Inspiration 101: Law Students Draw Lessons from the Humanities

Five Washington area law schools participated in screening and discussion events featuring films funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.  The films, exploring topics such as civil rights, human rights and constitutional law, bring a human dimension to textbook legal cases and challenge students to consider how contemporary law and society are shaped by history.

Women, War, and Peace: I Came to Testify

Women, War & Peace: I Came To Testify

The NEH-supported documentary I Came to Testify tells the story of 16 Bosnian women war survivors who bravely sought justice for the atrocities committed against them in the first trial in history focused on wartime crimes of sexual violence.

Fifteenth-century map by Piri Reis, Andalusia and Granada

125 Institutions Receive Let's Talk About It: Muslim Journeys Grants

Libraries and state humanities councils to host reading and discussion programs around the Bridging Cultures: Muslim Journeys Bookshelf

NEH Bookshelf at Georgia Southern University

NEH Bridging Cultures: Muslim Journeys Bookshelves arrive in 800 libraries

The Muslim Journeys Bookshelf, a set of twenty-five books and three films about Muslim cultures and history, arrived in 800 libraries across the United States last month, serving as the centerpiece for discussion programs and talks in every state and dozens of communities.

Fifteenth-century map by Piri Reis, Andalusia and Granada

953 libraries and humanities organizations awarded “Bookshelf” on Muslim history and culture

WASHINGTON (January 9, 2013) –The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced today that 953 libraries and state humanities councils in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S.

Posted: October 23, 2012

Two New Grant Opportunities for Research in the Humanities and Health

NEH partners with the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom for collaborative research grants and the National Institutes of Health funds social and behavioral research on culture, health and wellbeing

Posted: October 15, 2012

New Funding Opportunity for Muslim Journeys Applicants

The American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office is pleased to promote a new funding opportunity for prospective applicants for the ALA/NEH Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys program.

Posted: April 11, 2012

NEH Bridging Cultures Bookshelf

Fostering individual learning, community discussions, and opportunities for greater cross-cultural understanding.

Posted: April 9, 2012

Bridging Cultures through Film: International Topics Awards: November Council, 2011

NEH grant program supports documentary films that examine international and transnational themes in the humanities.

Posted: April 2, 2012

Bridging Cultures Implementation Grants, 2011

Building on the outcomes of the 2010 Planning Grant program, NEH funds two national public engagement campaigns exploring civility and democracy and humanities and the Muslim world.

Posted: April 1, 2012

Bridging Cultures through Film: International Topics Awards: November Council, 2010

NEH grant program supports documentary films that examine international and transnational themes in the humanities.

Posted: March 28, 2012

Bridging Cultures Planning Grants, 2010

Through eight NEH-funded pilot projects, cultural and educational institutions around the country engaged scholars and members of the public in discussions of two pressing national concerns: the role of civility in democracy and the need for a deeper understanding of the Muslim world.

Posted: August 9, 2012

CNN Belief Blog features NEH-funded film

On August 3, the CNN Belief Blog published a story on the NEH-funded documentary Besa: The Promise.

Posted: July 9, 2012

"Health and Disease in the Middle Ages" Summer Seminar Features Talk on the Plague

Indiana University’s Ann G. Carmichael, M.D., Ph.D. will speak on July 20 at the Wellcome Library on “Sustaining Plague Mortality in Late Medieval Milan: Environmental Patterns and Non-Plague Causes of Death.”

Posted: April 5, 2012

Making Sense of the American Civil War at the Virginia Festival of the Book

Edward L. Ayers was the Festival Luncheon Speaker at the 18th Virginia Festival of the Book on Thursday, March 22, in Charlottesville, VA.

Posted: April 5, 2012

Organization of American States Honors NEH Effort to Document Disappearing Languages

OAS recognizes the joint NEH-NSF program, Documenting Endangered Languages, as a model program for promoting inter-cultural dialogue and respect for cultural diversity.