Bureau of Reclamation Social Media Comment Policy

We welcome you to visit the U. S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation social media sites:

YouTube – www.youtube.com/reclamation
Facebook - www.facebook.com/bureau.of.reclamation
Twitter – www.twitter.com/usbr
Flickr – www.flickr.com/usbr
Tumblr – http://usbr.tumblr.com
Instagram – http://instagram.com/bureau_of_reclamation
Pinterest – http://pinterest.com/usbrgov/

Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. The purpose of this site is to present matters of public interest regarding the work that we at Reclamation are doing in all these areas. You may post comments, but please note this is a moderated site and not a public forum. We expect comments to follow the conventions of polite discourse. We reserve the right to delete comments that:

* contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms 
that target specific ethnic or racial groups

* promote services or products (non-commercial links that are relevant to the
posted comments are acceptable)

* are far off-topic 

* make unsupported accusations

* make threats against Reclamation or DOI employees or facilities

We don’t edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comments contain none of the above.

We reserve the right to block specific visitors to our social media sites from commenting who do not comply with this policy.

We generally do not post responses to comments on our social media sites, however we encourage you to submit any comments, questions, concerns or suggestions though our “Contact Us” page so that we may respond in a timely and efficient manner. Our contact page is located at:http://www.usbr.gov/main/comments.cfm

When visiting the social media sites, you are no longer on an official Bureau of Reclamation website, therefore the Bureau’s privacy policy does not apply to all pages on these sites. Please see the appropriate social media sites privacy policy.

If you're looking for the official source of information about the Bureau of Reclamation, please visit our homepage at http://www.usbr.gov/

If you have questions about our social media websites, you may contact the Bureau of Reclamation Web Manager.


Last Updated: 5/12/16