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Economic data for states

Programs with data for states Latest
Economic Census 2012 Sales, employment, payroll for establishments
Survey of Business Owners 2012 Sales, employment, payroll for firms by sex and ethnicity of owner
Statistics of U.S. Businesses 2012 Employment and payroll for firms by employment size
Statistics of U.S. Businesses 2014 Births, deaths, expansions, contractions for establishments
County Business Patterns 2014 Employment and payroll for establishments; employment size
Nonemployer Statistics 2013 Receipts for establishments with no paid employees
Business Dynamics Statistics 2012 Age of enterprise, births and deaths for firms by employment size
Local Employment Dynamics 2013 Quarterly employment, job creation, earnings by age, sex & sector
Annual Survey of Manufactures 2014 Value of shipments, employment, payroll for manufacturers
Commodity Flow Survey 2012 Movement of shipments from selected industries
Building Permits 2014 Number of housing units authorized by building permits by size
Governments 2012 Federal, state, and local governments and governmental activities
Foreign Trade: State Exports 2012 Goods exported by state of origin

All other business and industry data are published only at the national level

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Business & Industry | (301)763-2547 | | Last Revised: September 06, 2016