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Full-Service Assessments begin November 2016

The Postal Service will begin Assessments for Electronic Verification Metrics in November 2016 for October data. The assessments result in the removal of the Full-Service discount on those pieces in error above the established thresholds. Automated email Assessment notifications will be sent as described below on the 11th day of each month.

Note: Due to the Veteran's Day holiday, the November 2016 notifications will be sent on November 14th. All subsequent due dates for the November 2016 Assessment process will reflect this change.

As a reminder, to submit a mailing as Full-Service, and claim the per piece discount, the following requirements must be met:

  • Mailer Identification (MID)
  • Service Type Identification (STID)
  • By (mail preparer) and For (mail owner) fields
  • Barcode Uniqueness
  • Entry Facility
  • Unlinked CoPal

Assessments are generated at the electronic documentation (eDoc) submitter Customer Registration ID (CRID) level when there are errors that exceed the established thresholds for a calendar month. The Postal Service will send automated email notifications to the user associated to the Verification Assessment Evaluator service for the eDoc submitters Business Customer Gateway (BCG) profile.

The Postal Service strongly encourages all Full-Service mailers to request access to the Verification Assessment Evaluator (VAE) service through the BCG. In the event that a VAE user is not identified, the automated email assessment notifications are sent to the associated to BCG user roles in the following order of precedence:

  • Verification Assessment Evaluator  (Business Service Administrator (BSA) or User Role); if no VAE is identified notification is sent to:
  • BSA for Manage Mailing Activity if there is no BSA for Manage Mailing Activity notification is sent to:
  • BSA for alternate PostalOne! service: Audit Mailing Activity, eVS/PRS Customer, Scan Based Payment Customer.

Note: Only users associated to the BSA or user role for Verification Assessment Evaluator or Managed Mailing Activity services can view and take action on Assessments.

Prior to the November 14, 2016 Assessment Date USPS is encouraging mailers to review their current user roles within the Business Customer Gateway. The document posted here provides you with step by step instructions to review, change and add user roles within the Business Customer Gateway.

The Postal Service has created a fact sheet which provides an overview of the Full-Service Assessment process: Full-Service Assessment fact sheet.

More information about the assessment process can be found in section 6.0 of the Publication for Streamlined Acceptance for Letters and Flats found here: Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats.

To ensure mailers are prepared for the November 2016 assessment date, the Postal Service will continue outreach to every mailer and support the Mailer Scorecard Hotline calls. We encourage mailers to access the Full-Service Mail Quality Metrics and reach out to local USPS BMEU staff for assistance. Any irregularities or questions with the Mailer Scorecard should be reported through the webinar hotline calls, PostalOne! Helpdesk at 800-522-9085 or via email at postalone@usps.gov. Include the phrase "Mailer Scorecard" in the subject line of the email.

Below is dial-in information for the Mailer Scorecard Hotline Webinar that will be held every Wednesday and Friday at 2PM (EDT) through October 2016.

Go tohttps://uspsmeetings.webex.com/uspsmeetings/j.php?MTID=m2dd28be6eb27

Teleconference information
Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-855-8607461 (US)
Call-in number: 1-678-3172063 (US)
Conference Code: 472 163 0566

Mail Entry Roadmap

The Mail Entry Roadmap describes the Postal Service's key initiatives to streamline the acceptance, induction, and verification of commercial mailings: Full-Service Intelligent Mail®, eInduction, and Seamless Acceptance.

eDoc and Full-Service Authorization
for Software Vendors

The Postal Service has launched a voluntary process for software vendors and developers to authorize their product(s) in the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM). To get started, if you are a software vendor click here, if you are a Mail Service Provider click here.

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USPS Service Alerts

USPS Service Alerts communicates information to residential consumers and business mailers in near real-time about postal facility service disruptions due to weather-related and other natural disasters or events. Business mailers will find more detailed information on the operating status of USPS mail processing facilities and delivery units. For details on current impacted areas, click here.


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