You Have A Calling.

We Have An Answer.


I love caring for others.

While in the Military, José realized he wanted to become a nurse, and now the Air Force Reserve is helping him achieve his goals.

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José Gutierrez: I had my mind set on going to school, becoming a nurse and closing the chapter on the Military and just being appreciative of the experience. One of the things that you have to do when you get out of the Air Force, out of Active Duty at least, is you have to talk to a Reserve recruiter. That's actually part of your checklist. I sat down and was ready to say no. He said, "Well, you know, you can actually have both. Like, you can still go to school and still be in the Military, and one of the positions that's available that you can go into is Bioenvironmental Engineering." And that really piqued my interest.


Preview Rachelle's Story

I love helping others.

As a child, Rachelle learned the importance of helping others. Her personal compassion, she'd later discover, would be essential to her career.

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Rachelle Nielsen: I started volunteering when I was still in high school.  It just made me realize how I was able to give back, and so that's when I started considering the Military. This uniform makes me realize every day that I'm doing something for not just myself, not just the person right next to me, but all over the world. 


Preview Alex's Story

I love solving problems.

Growing up, Alex’s interest in technology and desire for challenge took him to unexpected places. Now, he's using his skills where they're needed most.

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Alex Burtness: I’ve pretty much been taking things apart as long as I can remember. I was always interested in finding the challenges that fit with who I am and what I valued and what I was skilled at. I found out about the Naval Academy and I saw the challenge of it and that’s what really appealed to me. I got rejected from the Naval Academy the first time I applied. I think getting that rejection really showed me that the effort I’d been putting in wasn’t sufficient. I remember people saying that normal kids from high school can’t just go to a service academy, and I decided that I needed to prove them wrong. 


Preview Corrin's Story

I love performing.

Corrin was drawn to music from a young age. When it came time to make her musical dream a reality, she wasn’t sure how — until a chance meeting.

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Corrin Campbell: I probably first realized I loved music the instant I heard it. I just loved trying to figure out music on bass. Did I think that I could be a musician full-time? I did, but if you tried to ask me what my plan was to reach that goal, I had absolutely no clue. I first learned that the Military was an option because a recruiter came to a concert and said, “Hey, you were really playing some good bass guitar up there. Did you know that you can do that in the military?”


I love protecting others.

From a young age, Nathanael knew he wanted to keep America safe, and the Coast Guard provided him with a path in law enforcement.

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Nathanael Kruse: There was one time where we had to go out and save a craft that was coming up and there was 242 people on board. We had people that were plunging themselves in the water, they were jumping overboard. Going out there, being able to just give any type of assistance, helping them get off their boat, get on to our vessel, find them food, water they so desperately needed.


That was the first time where I really saved someone's life. It showed me that I made the right decision that made me come to the Coast Guard.

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