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Initiatives and Services

International/Expeditionary Support


The Department of Defense deploys civilians alongside the US Military to provide crucial functions such as Senior Cultural Advisors, Logisticians, Contract Administrators, Public Affairs Specialists, and Engineers. There are many different roles, but a common thread unifies expeditionary civilians: their investment in making the world a more secure and better place.

For more information on civilian deployment policy and information on expeditionary civilian support: DOD International/Expeditionary Policy Office (IEPO)

DOD Civilian Careers


It takes more than military service members to protect America

The Department of Defense employs more than 800,000 civilians in an array of critical positions worldwide, with opportunities for people from all walks of life. If a competitive salary, great benefits, unsurpassed training, and the pride of defending our Nation interests you, then find your future with us.

For more information: DOD Civilian Careers (GoDefense)

DOD Veterans


The Department of Defense provides employment opportunities for men and women who honorably served on behalf of our Nation. As the largest Federal employer of Veterans, we are committed to providing every Veteran who wants to serve our country as a DOD civil servant the opportunity to do so.

For more information: Veterans (DODVETS)

ATTENTION: The URL will no longer provide access to the DoDVets website. Please make note of this and update any links and bookmarks to For questions, please contact: 1-888-363-4872.

Constitution Day/Citizenship Day


September 17th has been designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day to commemorate the signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. Specifically, Congressional Appropriations Bill H.R. 4818, P.L. 108-447, requires Federal agencies to provide new employees with educational and training materials on the U.S. Constitution as part of the new employee orientation materials; and provide all Federal agency employees educational and training materials on the Constitution on September 17th.

For more information: Constitution Day/Citizenship Day


The Department of Defense provides an array of programs and benefits to assist civilian employees who are adversely affected by base closure and realignment, reduction in force, transfer of function, and other workforce restructuring actions. These include, but are not limited to, the Priority Placement Program (PPP), voluntary separation incentives, and outplacement subsidies. DCPAS provides guidance and support to the DOD Components in administering these programs.

For more information: Staffing and Civilian Transition Programs (CAC-enabled)


The goal of Civilian Benefits Information is to provide you with general benefits information to assist you in understanding the available options. Select an item of interest for information regarding specific benefit areas. You may also use the DOD Benefits Tool to obtain various benefit projections and profiles. For assistance in completing these entries, refer to your most recent Leave and Earnings Statement.

For more information: Benefits and Work-Life Programs Division (CAC-enabled)


The new myRA (Retirement Account) is targeted at employees who are not currently eligible to participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Effective December 15, 2014, The United States Department of the Treasury began offering a new nonmarketable electronic retirement savings bond. If you need additional information on applying to myRA their website is:


The Pipeline Program initiative (a transitional return to work strategy) is a collaborative initiative designed to assist agencies in recognizing and capturing the contributions of skilled employees recovering from on the job injuries. Additionally, it promotes a work environment that motivates and drives commitment, resulting in a contribution of value to the organization's stakeholders.

For more information: Pipeline (CAC-enabled)


The foundation of the DOD Mission is the people who carry it out. For us to keep achieving that mission, every DOD employee must be able to perform at peak effectiveness. That means the wellbeing of the DOD workforce really is a matter of national security.

For more information: Worklife (CAC-enabled)


Managing your civilian injury and unemployment compensation programs can be a challenge to your HR organization. The ICUC Branch, a part of the HR Operational Programs and Advisory Services, Benefits and Work Life Programs Division, has expert advisors who will provide proven online training, support and solutions to help reduce your compensation costs and meet your HR requirements. Contact us to find out what we can do for your organization.

For more information: Injury and Unemployment Compensation (ICUC) (CAC-enabled)


Serves DOD leadership as the research, analysis, reporting, and consulting resource for the civilian element of the Total Force. We inform Human Capital decision-making and policy setting with the analysis and forecasting needed to shape a civilian workforce that is aligned to Department strategy, goals, and objectives.

For more information: Strategic Workforce Planning (CAC-enabled)


The HRSPAS Human Resources Functional Community and Accountability Division provides leadership for DOD 0201 community management efforts to include strategic workforce planning and administers other enterprise-wide initiatives such as the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF) and Delegated Examining Operations oversight.

For more information: Human Resources Functional Community and Accountability (CAC-enabled)


The CSEMD is responsible for providing policy for the management of the entire Career Lifecycle to ensure the Civilian Senior Executive/Equivalent (CSE) Corps has the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to address the full spectrum of the Department's mission requirements. For the SES, career management is institutionalized through the Framework for the Career Lifecycle Management, a series of integrated systems operating under a common architecture and approaches to Workforce Planning, Talent Management, Performance Management, Compensation, Succession Planning, Sustainment & Separation, and Executive Development.

Senior Executives and Senior Professionals in DOD are evaluated against performance requirements for their individual positions as part of the Department's annual appraisal process. Raters, performance review boards, and authorizing officials must reserve the highest ratings for senior executives and senior professionals who have achieved exemplary results and must consider the relationship between organizational success and individual performance. Raters, performance review boards, and authorizing officials should, where applicable, consider the impact of documented misconduct on the individual's performance under the relevant performance requirements or performance standards.

For more information: Senior Executive Management (CAC-enabled)


The Leadership, Learning and Development Division is responsible for developing highly competent civilian leaders needed to successfully achieve the Department's complex national security mission. In so doing, LL&D manages the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program, Executive Leader Development Program, Defense Senior Leader Development Program, DOD Acculturation course, oversight of DOD's Managerial and Supervisory Training Program, program design of leadership training programs and courses, research, associated policies, and leader development evaluation. LL&D represents DOD on the Federal Interagency Chief Learning Officers Council.

For more information: Leadership Development (CAC-enabled)


Civilian benefits and allowances information and other authorizations affecting DOD employees as a result of emergency situations will be posted during an actual event. Additional information regarding preparation for and response to natural and man-made disasters is also available.

For more information: Disaster Preparedness (CAC-enabled)


The Civilian Personnel Policy/Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (CPP/DCPAS), Recruitment Assistance Division (RAD), offers job applicants assistance with pursuing DOD civilian careers by providing a conduit between them and DOD recruiters using web technology, electronic mail and most importantly, live interaction with RAD career advisors. Career advisors offer assistance with completing required documentation and forms and provides advisory guidance on responding to vacancy announcements. RAD facilitates a department-wide recruitment outreach program, especially to colleges/universities, wounded warriors, transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses. RAD also advocates changes in human resources recruitment and staffing processes and maintains a DOD corporate branding identity that promotes DOD as the "Employer of Choice."

For more information: DOD Civilian Careers Recruitment (RAD) (CAC-enabled)


Information Systems efficiently and effectively delivers civilian HR products and services, and is responsible for the development of state-of-the-art customer-focused technology and enterprise-wide HR solutions.


The DCPAS Investigations and Resolutions Directorate (IRD) charter is to investigate Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) discrimination complaints for Department of Defense agencies. They are conducted at the request of the agency after an EEO complaint has been filed with the agency. Individuals wishing to file a complaint of employment discrimination should contact their agency EEO Office.

For more information: Complaints and Investigations (CAC-enabled)


The DOD Civilian Workforce Demographics are produced monthly by the Strategic Analysis and Reporting Division (SAR), as a convenient reference for various audiences. The tables and charts display DOD workforce data drawn from the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). DCPDS processes personnel transactions for over 800,000 DOD civilians on a 'real-time basis' and is the largest Human Resources data system in the world. The majority of the data are "as of" the end of the month; however, data are included from a historical perspective in some instances.

For more information: DOD Workforce Demographics (CAC-enabled)


In the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136, November 24, 2003, 117 STAT. 1641), Congress established a requirement for agencies to conduct an Annual Employee Survey (AES) to assess employee satisfaction as well as leadership and management practices that contribute to agency performance. The following areas were required to be covered:

  • Leadership and management practices that contribute to agency performance; and employee satisfaction with --
    • leadership policies and practices;
    • work environment;
    • rewards and recognition for professional accomplishment and personal contributions to achieving organizational mission;
    • opportunity for professional development and growth; and
    • opportunity to contribute to achieving organizational mission.
The results of the 2016 FEVS are now posted here. Click to see the DOD Results. A memorandum from the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy, discussing the survey results, can be found here.

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