
With exports generating 20 percent of farm income, trade is vital for creating markets for U.S. farm and food products, while supporting U.S. jobs and rural economic activity.
U.S. food and agricultural products are recognized worldwide for their quality and safety. FAS offers a range of services to assist international buyers in locating American suppliers and sourcing products.
Whether you are new to exporting or your company has been in the business for years, find out how FAS and its partners can help you build markets for your products around the globe.
FAS leads USDA’s efforts to help developing countries improve their agricultural systems and build their trade capacity. The agency also administers food assistance programs that benefit people in need around the world.
Through its market development programs, FAS works in partnership with the U.S. food and agricultural industry to help exporters develop and maintain global markets for hundreds of products.
FAS works with foreign governments, international organizations, and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to establish international standards and rules to improve accountability and predictability for agricultural trade.