
Our commitment to science

NOAA's Scientific Integrity Policy
NOAA Sea Grant fosters regional approaches to studying coastal ecosystems.
Science in action
NOAA Sea Grant fosters regional approaches to studying coastal ecosystems. (Dave Partee/Alaska Sea Grant)

Science is the foundation for all NOAA does. NOAA’s weather forecasts and warnings, nautical charts, climate information, fishing regulations, coastal management recommendations, and satellites in space all depend on science. The quality of NOAA science is exemplary, and many of NOAA’s scientists are recognized as national and international experts in their fields.

NOAA embarked on a thoughtful and transparent effort to develop a policy to uphold the principles of scientific integrity contained in President Obama's March 9, 2009, Memorandum and Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Dr. John Holdren’s December 17, 2010, Memorandum on scientific integrity.

In December 2011, NOAA issued its official Scientific Integrity Policy and Procedural Handbook (pdf), which you can view in full – along with additional support materials – on NOAA’s Scientific Integrity Commons website.