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Of Interest

  • Health Datapalooza
    Health Datapalooza attracts more than 2,000 innovators, health care industry executives, policymakers, venture capitalists, startups, developers, researchers, providers, consumers and patient advocates interested in increasing access to open health data.
  • Codecademy
    Codecademy helps millions of learners around the world get the skills they need to succeed in today’s digital world -- all in a way that’s fun, free, and accessible anywhere.
  • Stats of the Union app
    Stats of the Union is an iPad app for exploring data from the Community Health Status Indicators report, which contains health and lifestyle data from federal agencies including the Census Bureau, Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Labor and the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Health Indicators app
    Health Indicators is an easy-to-use dashboard app by Critigen that transforms complex health data into geographically relevant, timely, and navigable information.
  • County Health Rankings
    The annual County Health Rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in America.
  • Healthy Sonoma
    Healthy Sonoma is a one stop source of non-biased data and information about community health in Sonoma County, and healthy communities in general. It is intended to help planners, policy makers, and community members learn about issues, identify improvements, and collaborate for positive change.
  • HealthGrove
    HealthGrove offers health information and resources for consumers, researchers, and journalists. Using public and private data sources, HealthGrove is increasing access to data and information around the nation’s most pressing health conditions. Check out this example on coronary heart disease that shows how they are using the Health Indicators Warehouse API to bring geographic and historical data into context.
Health Datapalooza All-Star

Health Data Consortium has recognized the HIW as a Health Data All-Star!