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Reference Maps

Reference Maps include a variety of map types that show the boundaries and names of geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates statistical data. In some cases, the name is only in the form of a geographic code, such as a census block number. Some types of reference maps include geographic features and their identifiers that are coincident with the boundary. Examples are roads and water features. Reference maps can include additional features such as railroads to aid users in orienting themselves to the area depicted on the map.

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Census Reference Maps

Reference Maps from the 2010 Census, Census 2000 and the 1990 Census

General Reference Maps

Congressional Districts

Metropolitan Areas

Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs)

2010 Census Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Reference Maps

This reference map series includes a map for each Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) as delineated based on the results of the 2010 Census (refer to the 2010 Public Use Microdata Areas webpage for more information). These maps display the boundaries and codes of PUMAs, along with the boundaries and names of federal American Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands (ORTLs), states and state equivalents, counties and county equivalents, county subdivisions (in states where they function as governmental units), places, and census tracts. Additionally, these maps display major roads and water bodies. Each PUMA is covered by one or more parent map sheets at a single scale. Inset map sheets were created at larger scales as required to show the map content described above. An index map showing the sheet configuration is included for all entities requiring more than one parent sheet. The map sheet size is 36 by 32 inches.

Map [PDF] File Naming Convention

Census 2000 Super-Public Use Microdata Area (Super-PUMA) Maps (1-percent sample)

Super-PUMAs (1-percent sample) comprise areas of at least 400,000 people and are aggregations of the smaller 5-percent Public Use Microdata Areas. These page sized state-based maps depict Super-PUMA boundaries and codes, state boundaries, and county boundaries and names. Inset maps are used when the Super-PUMA boundaries and codes cannot be displayed clearly on the page size state-based map. In that case, the area to be inset is shaded on the state map and the Super-PUMA detail is suppressed to avoid confusion. The corresponding inset area map containing the associated Super-PUMA detail is displayed either on the same page with the state-based map or on a separate, succeeding page.

Naming convention:

The naming convention for these files is 'XX_puma1.pdf' where XX represents the respective state postal abbreviation (i.e. Maryland = md_puma1.pdf).

Census 2000 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Maps (5-percent sample)

These page-sized Super-PUMA based maps display the boundaries and codes of the component 5-percent sample Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) within the Super-PUMA. Additionally, the maps show county boundaries and names along with census tract boundaries within the boundary of the subject Super-PUMA. Some gray shaded surrounding fringe area detail is included for orientation purposes. This fringe area includes international, state and county boundaries and names, as well as the neighboring Super-PUMA boundaries and codes. No census tract boundary information is shown in the fringe area of the map. With one Super_PUMA per page, most states include multiple pages. The first map in each set is the state-based Super-PUMA map which is included as a reference to the universe of PUMAs in each state.

Naming convention:

The naming convention for these files is 'XX_puma5.pdf' where XX represents the respective state postal abbreviation (i.e. Maryland = md_puma5.pdf). The first map in each set is the state-based Super-PUMA map which is included as a reference to the universe of PUMAs in each state.

State Legislative Districts

Urban Areas

Partnership Program Maps

  • 2017 Boundary and Annexation Survey Maps
  • 2016 Boundary and Annexation Survey Maps

  • 2013 Boundary and Annexation Survey Maps

2007 Economic Census

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geography | (301) 763-1128 |  Last Revised: January 24, 2017