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MH-60 Medium Range Recovery Helicopter

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For more photos of the MH-60 Medium Range Recovery Helicopter. visit image gallery on Flickr.

The Coast Guard completed upgrades to its fleet of 45 MH-60J Jayhawk medium range recovery helicopters in August 2016. Redesignated as MH-60Ts, the upgraded helicopters received new flight instruments and avionics, communications and navigation equipment.

Why this program?

The HH-60Js first entered service in 1990. Over time, their avionics hardware became obsolete and increasingly unsupportable due to a lack of production components and discontinued manufacturing sources. Equipment software support for their aircraft systems was no longer available and economical to maintain.

The Coast Guard established the MH-60T program in 2002 to address these obsolescence issues and outfit the helicopters with equipment to better meet operational needs. The upgrades dramatically improved reliability, mission performance and safety and addressed new Federal Aviation Administration navigation performance requirements. The MH-60Ts are now planned to remain in service through 2027.

How are the upgrades implemented?

The MH-60Ts were upgraded in phases called discrete segments. Although the MH-60Ts’ outward appearance did not change significantly from previous versions, they became completely new aircraft on the inside. Internal configuration changes included the installation of a new digital glass cockpit with five multifunction display screens for flight and mission management capabilities.

Acquisition status

All scheduled acquisition activities under the medium range recovery helicopter program have concluded. The upgraded MH-60Ts transitioned to the sustainment community for continued operations and support Nov. 29, 2016.


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Last Modified 12/21/2016