
Africa’s Promise will expand opportunities for youth in MCC partner countries across Africa by providing internship opportunities that will build their technical and leadership skills and expand their horizons.

Since its creation in 2004, MCC has been advancing and accelerating the conversation on aid effectiveness.

MCC is committed to helping our partner countries adapt to climate change and mitigate emissions through climate resilient, low carbon economic development.

Country ownership—or country-led development—has been broadly embraced by the international donor community as a critical element of international development aid.

One of MCC’s core principles is that aid is most effective in countries with a sound commitment to accountable and democratic governance.

MCC is at the forefront of using digital technologies to deliver information that is secure, user-friendly, innovative and effective at helping the agency reduce poverty through economic growth.

MCC helps the poor by empowering its partner countries to pursue policies and reforms that deliver greater resources to invest in their people and promote long-term economic growth.

MCC works with partner countries to integrate internationally-accepted principles of environmental and social sustainability into the design and implementation of compacts.

Controlling corruption is a key indicator in selecting countries for initial and ongoing compact eligibility. MCC and its partner countries promote measures to prevent, detect and combat corruption before it occurs and to address problems after they emerge.

With its partner countries in the lead, the MCC portfolio of investments has been on the forefront of addressing food security priorities since MCC’s first compact in 2005.

MCC recognizes that gender and social inequality are significant constraints to economic growth and poverty reduction.

MCC leads the charge to uncover the best data available to fight corruption by partnering with experts to form a Governance Data Alliance. MCC and its partners are committed to filling the data gaps to best measure governance.

MCC and OECD’s collaboration convenes the international development community, the private sector, and non-governmental investors to identify partnership and investment opportunities that promote economic growth and poverty reduction.

Through its compacts in partner countries, MCC has committed approximately $1.5 billion to support Power Africa, the U.S. Government's effort to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa.

MCC has invested $3 billion in trade capacity building assistance in AGOA countries on infrastructure like roads and power, on increasing productivity of small- and medium-sized businesses and export-heavy sectors, and leveraging policy and regulatory reforms.

MCC applies the principles of economic growth, strong policies, country-led plans and rigorous evaluation to create a more stable and prosperous future for the world's poor.

Development needs around the world will not be met by foreign assistance alone. Official development assistance must increasingly catalyze other resources to finance development – including private-sector investment. Here's one way MCC is doing just that.

MCC and PEPFAR are investing up to $21.8 million to support data-driven decision-making in programs and policies that address HIV/AIDS, global health, gender equality and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa.

In selecting partner countries, MCC relies on independent public data that captures as clearly as possible the actions governments take to fight corruption. MCC is seeking improved and expanded indicators from the institutions that produce this data.

NGO consultations are an essential part of MCC's compact development process. By listening to the voices and tapping into the experience of the broader NGO community, MCC leverages all available expertise from others to maximize our investments.

Transparency, public participation, and collaboration form the cornerstone of open government. Transparency is at the heart of accountability, and at MCC we make every effort to inform the public about our work by making our data public and accessible.

MCC and other U.S. Government agencies have joined together to coordinate Partnership for Growth (PFG), a partnership between the United States and a select group of high-performing developing countries to accelerate and sustain broad-based economic growth.

Since its founding, MCC has sought innovative ways to reduce poverty through economic growth. Smart Aid events bring together development practitioners and MCC staff to share best practices and lessons and engage in a dialogue to effectively move aid forward.

MCC supports its partner countries in their efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and transform the lives of their people by fighting poverty through economic growth.
