• Book
    Schriftsmässige Beantwortung der Frage: Was von dem weltüblichen Tanzen und Spielen zu halten sey und ob es nicht mit zur Christlichen Freyheit gehöre? Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available This manual is an early German example of the literature against the practice of dancing. In this case, Bogatzky (1690-1774) compares gambling with dancing, and asks the reader to consider these practices in the context of Scripture, especially the Ten Commandments.
    • Contributor: Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich Von
    • Date: 1750
  • Book
    Tratado dos principæs fundamentos da dança, obra muito util, naõ sómente para esta mocidade, que quer aprender a dançar bem, mais ainda para as pessoas honestas, e polidas, as quæs ensina as ...
    Tratado da dança Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Portuguese dancing master Bonem's manual borrows from the work of contemporary French sources, including dancing masters Guillaume-Louis Pecour and Pierre Rameau. The manual's fourteen chapters focus on dance in the court of Louis XIV and include discussion on feet positions, bows appropriate for various occasions, and the steps and arm positions for the minuet.
    • Contributor: Bonem, Natal Jacome
    • Date: 1767
  • Book
    Trattato del ballo nobile, Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Part one of this text consists of thirty-four chapters devoted to instructions for steps required in Italian Baroque dance including pirola (pirouette), sfuggito (echappé), passo unite (assemblé), and cadente (tombé). Each step is fully described and notated in Feuillet notation, the dance notation system first published by French choreographer Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. The second part of the manual contains six chapters devoted to ...
    • Contributor: Dufort, Giovanni Battista
    • Date: 1728
  • Book
    Chorégraphie, ou L'art de décrire la dance par caracteres, figures et signes desmonstratifs, avec lesquels on apprend facilement de soy même toutes sortes de dances.
    Chorégraphie | Art de décrire la dance par caracteres, figures et signes desmonstratifs Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Originally published in 1700, this manual details a dance notation system that indicates the placement of the feet and six basic leg movements: plié, releveé, sauté, cabriole, tombé, and glissé. Changes of body direction and numerous ornamentations of the legs and arms are also part of the system. The system is based on tract drawings that trace the pattern of the dance. Additionaly, bar ...
    • Contributor: Feuillet, Raoul-Auger - Dezais, Jacques
    • Date: 1713
  • Book
    Recueil de dances, Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available With his Chorégraphie, ou L'art de décrire la dance par caractères ... Paris, 1713. Engraved throughout. Full-page diagrams; at head of each diagram, the tune for the dance figure is represented. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as facsimile page images.
    • Contributor: Feuillet, Raoul-Auger
    • Date: 1709
  • Book
    Recueil de dances, Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available With his Chorégraphie, ou l'Art de décrire la dance par caracteres ... Paris, 1713. Engraved throughout. Full-page diagrams; at head of each diagram, the tune for the dance figure is represented. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as facsimile page images.
    • Contributor: Feuillet, Raoul-Auger - Pécourt, Guillaume Louis
    • Date: 1709
  • Book
    Per. receüil [sic] de danses de bal pour l'année 1703
    Premier recueil de danses de bal Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    This treatise contains two duets choreographed by French dancer and choreographer Guillaume-Louis Pecour (c. 1653-1729) and notated in the eighteenth-century notation system first published by Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. The system is based on tract drawings that trace the pattern of the dance. Additionally, bar lines in the dance score correspond to bar lines in the music score. Signs written on the right or ...
    • Contributor: Feuillet, Raoul-Auger - Pécourt, Guillaume Louis
    • Date: 1702
  • Book
    Orchesography; or, The art of dancing by characters and demonstrative figures. Wherein the whole art is explain'd; with compleat tables of all steps us'd in dancing, and rules for the motions of ...
    Orchesography | Art of dancing by characters and demonstrative figures | Art of dancing Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Originally published in Paris by Raoul-Auger Feuillet under the title Chorégraphie ... (1700), this translation by English dancing master and theoretician John Weaver is dedicated to famed choreographer, Mr. Issac. The manual details a dance notation system that indicates placement of the feet and basic leg movements. Changes of body direction and numerous ornamentations of the legs and arms are also part of the ...
    • Contributor: Feuillet, Raoul-Auger - Weaver, John - Isaac
    • Date: 1715
  • Book
    Le répertoire des bals, ou Theorie-pratique des contredanses, décrites d'une maniere aisée avec des figures démonstratives pour les pouvoir danser facilement, auxquelles on a ajouté les airs notés.
    Theorie-pratique des contredanses Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    This is a bound collection of contredanses, figured group dances for four or more couples that were popular during the last half of the eighteenth century. Each dance is described on four pages: a title page that gives the name of the dance and its choreographer, a page of text describing the figure, a page showing the floor pattern of the dance, and a ...
    • Contributor: La Cuisse
    • Date: 1762
  • Book
    Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo,
    Trattato di ballo teorico-prattico
    This manual represents one of the most important sources on dance technique for the second half of the eighteenth century and is a critical link between Baroque dance and early romantic ballet. Part one is divided into sixty sections describing various aspects of dance beginning with a statement on the utility of dance, and feet positions. The manual continues with descriptions of many steps, ...
    • Contributor: Magri, Gennaro
    • Date: 1779
  • Book
    Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo,
    Trattato di ballo teorico-prattico Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    This manual represents one of the most important sources on dance technique for the second half of the eighteenth century and is a critical link between Baroque dance and early romantic ballet. Part one is divided into sixty sections describing various aspects of dance beginning with a statement on the utility of dance, and feet positions. The manual continues with descriptions of many steps, ...
    • Contributor: Magri, Gennaro
    • Date: 1779
  • Book
    Arte de danzar a la francesa, adornado con quarenta figuras, que enseñan el modo de hacer todos los diferentes passos de la danza del minuete, con todas sus reglas, y de conducir ... Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Published in 1758 by engraver, writer, and translator Minguet é Irol, this manual incorporates sections of Raoul-Auger Feuillet's Chorégraphie (Paris, 1700) and Pierre Rameau's Le Maître de danser (Paris, 1725), although neither author is credited. Part one describes feet positions and the manner of managing one's hat, and provides a large vocabulary of steps used in eighteenth-century dance technique. Part two includes dances by ...
    • Contributor: Minguet É Irol, Pablo
    • Date: 1737
  • Book
    Nvove inventioni di balli; opera vaghissima nella quale si danno i giusti modi del ben portar la vita, et di accommodarsi con ogni leggiadria di mouimento alle creanze et gratie d'amore. Conueneuoli ...
    Nuove inventioni di balli Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    Originally published as Le gratie d'amore in 1602, this manual is considered one of them most valuable and diverse primary sources on Italian court dance. Divided into three parts, the first part illuminates the career and students of dancing master Cesare Negri (ca. 1536-ca. 1604; also known as Il Trombone); the second is devoted to the era's most virtuosic dance type, the galliard; and ...
    • Contributor: Negri, Cesare - Della Rovere, Giovanni Mauro - Pallavicini, Leone - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1604
  • Book
    Abbregé de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'écrire ou de traçer toutes sortes, de danses de ville ...
    Abregé de la nouv. choregraphie Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    The first part of this manual discusses performance of various steps including demi coupé, coupé, bourée, chassé, and pirouette. Through the use of text and tables, Rameau also provides discussion on an improved and simplified version of Feuillet notation, the eighteenth-century system of recording dances. The second part of the text consists of notations for twelve duets choreographed by French dancer and choreographer, Guillaume-Louis ...
    • Contributor: Rameau, Pierre - Pécourt, Guillaume Louis - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1725
  • Book
    Le maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la régularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas ... Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Originally published in 1725 and reissued in 1734 and 1748 by French dancing master and writer Pierre Rameau (1674-1748), this is one of the most important sources for the study and reconstruction of eighteenth-century dance technique. Part one of the text (with accompanying full-page plates) carefully describes the appropriate manner of walking, feet positions, bows, and a large vocabulary of steps. Part two covers ...
    • Contributor: Rameau, Pierre
    • Date: 1748
  • Book
    The dancing-master: or, The art of dancing explained. Wherein the manner of performing all steps in ball dancing is made easy by a new and familiar method. In two parts ... The ...
    Dancing-master | Art of dancing explained Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    This is a translation of one of the most important sources for the study and reconstruction of eighteenth-century dance--Pierre Rameau's 1725 Le maître a danser. Translated by English dancer and writer John Essex (c. 1680-1744), part one of the text and accompanying full-page plates carefully focus on the appropriate manner of walking, feet positions, and bows, and describe a large vocabulary of steps. Part ...
    • Contributor: Rameau, Pierre - Essex, John
    • Date: 1728
  • Book
    Orchesographie. Et traicte en forme de dialogve, par leqvel tovtes personnes pevvent facilement apprendre & practiquer l'honneste exercice des dances. Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Written by a French cleric, Jehan Tabourot, in the form of a dialogue between a dancing master and his student and originally published in 1588, this manual is an important tool in the understanding of late sixteenth-century French social dance. The manual provides critical information on social ballroom behavior and on the interaction of musicians and dancers. The book's usefulness is also enhanced by ...
    • Contributor: Arbeau, Thoinot - Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1589
  • Book
    La danse ancienne et moderne, ou Traité historique de la danse.
    Traité historique de la danse Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    This three-volume work on dance history describes dance from its origins through the court fêtes of Louis XIV. Volume one stresses the importance of studying the theories of all the arts and covers the dance history of numerous ancient civilizations including Greek, Roman, Turkish, and Egyptian. Volume two describes the renaissance of the arts and the origins of ballet to 1610. Volume three focuses ...
    • Contributor: Cahusac, Louis De
    • Date: 1754
  • Book
    Traité sur l'art de la danse, dédié á Monsieur Gardel, l'ainé ... Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available This instructional manual describes Baroque dance steps and their correlation with music using the notation system published by Raoul-Auger Feuillet in 1700. Additionally, the manual contains information on the minuet and also provides an extensive discussion on hand and arm positions.
    • Contributor: Malpied
    • Date: 1770
  • Book
    Erweiterung der Kunst nach der Chorographie zu tanzen, Tänze zu erfinden, und aufzusetzen; wie auch Anweisung zu verschiedenen National-Tänzen; als zu Englischen, Deutschen, Schwäbischen, Pohlnischen, Hannak- Masur- Kosak- und Hungarischen; mit Kupfern; ... Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Originally published in 1767 under the title Die Kunst nach der Choregraphie zu Tänze, Feldtenstein's manual utilizes text and tables to describe basic steps. The work includes figures for country dances and quadrilles, and a variety of national dances as well as figures and music for four contredanses. This manual is especially important for its description of the minuet as a duet and its ...
    • Contributor: Feldtenstein, C. J. Von
    • Date: 1772
  • Book
    A treatise on the art of dancing. Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Originally published in 1762 and reissued in 1765, this work borrows heavily from previously published materials, including the works of Locke, Goldini, and especially John Weaver's 1712 An Essay towards a history of dancing. Gallini (1728-1805) presents a history of dance, arguments for learning the art of dance, and a discourse on the minuet. Especialy interesting are Gallini's comments on European and non-European dance, ...
    • Contributor: Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea
    • Date: 1772
  • Book
    Prima, e seconda memoria per servire alla istoria del ballo degli antichi,
    Memoria per la storia del ballo Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available
    In this history of dance, Burette (1665-1747) presents an extensive discussion on Greek and Roman dance, basing his information on literary references such as the Iliad and authors such as Lucian. Included in the discussion are tragic and serious ballet, satire, and pantomime. While this text illuminates the importance of Greek and Roman influence on the arts of the mid-eighteenth century, modern dance scholars ...
    • Contributor: Burette, (Pierre Jean)
    • Date: 1746
  • Collection
    An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, ca. 1490-1920 A collection of over two hundred social dance manuals at the Library of Congress. The list begins with a rare late fifteenth-century source, Les basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche (c.1490) and ends with Ella Gardner's 1929 Public dance halls, their regulation and place in the recreation of adolescents. Along with dance instruction manuals, this online presentation also includes a significant number of antidance manuals, ...
    • Contributor: Library of Congress. Music Division - Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program
    • Date: 1998

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  • Book
    Traitté contre les danses. Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available An early example of an antidance treatise, this manual provides a foundation for arguments that continued to the end of the nineteenth century--that dancing is a sin against God. Much of Boiseul's argument is based on biblical examples (chapters and verses are noted in the margins of each page). While acknowledging that dance is mentioned in the Bible, the author is quick to point ...
    • Contributor: Boiseul, Jean
    • Date: 1606
  • Book
    Familiar dialogues on dancing, between a minister and a dancer : taken from matter of fact : with an appendix containing some extracts from the writings of pious and eminent men against ... Catalog Record - Electronic Resource Available Substantiated by quotations from other writers including Pascal, the Prince of Conti, Chief Justice Hale, and Archbishop Tillotson, Phillips declares dance to be a vain and idle amusement. While he acknowledges that many people assume the study of dance teaches good carriage and a "graceful and easy way of moving our limbs," he notes that Quakers, "who hold dancing in abomination," manage to display ...
    • Contributor: Phillips, John - American Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)
    • Date: 1798