EPA Landחשבון מאומת


News and information from U.S. EPA's Office of Land and Emergency Management (office formerly known as OSWER). Neither RT nor imply endorsement.

כאן מאז אפריל 2015

@EPAland חסומ/ה

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  1. 19 בינו׳

    Village Green is a community-based local air quality research project & semifinalist in award:

  2. 19 בינו׳

    Congrats Harvard Ash Center for Democratic Governance & Innovation semi-finalists!

  3. 19 בינו׳

    A big key to 's success is Public Involvement! See our updated Manual to use as a guide: .

  4. 18 בינו׳

    Our blog talks about how the chemical facility RMP rule strikes a balance between accessibility & security needs: .

  5. 18 בינו׳

    Our Area-Wide Planning grants help communities plan for reuse that best meets their vision and needs. .

  6. 17 בינו׳

    See our blog on how the chemical facility Risk Mgmt Plan rule helps 1st responders, employees & communities be safer

  7. 17 בינו׳

    We recently launched a new site to show the benefits of responsible appliance disposal.

  8. 13 בינו׳

    : Consider getting involved & attending the Conference to learn more about redevelopment.

  9. 13 בינו׳

    AA Stanislaus introduced & participated in this panel discussion last weekend . If you missed it, watch it here:

  10. 9 בינו׳

    January is National Radon Awareness Month. We’ll be encouraging everyone to test for .

  11. 12 בינו׳

    Starting Now! Join our 2pm EST webinar about Environmental Workforce Development & Job Training and our recent RFP! .

  12. 12 בינו׳

    Our Manual is a user's guide for how public involvement works in permitting process. .

  13. 12 בינו׳

    : If you live near a site, consider joining its Community Advisory Group. .

  14. 12 בינו׳

    Our Area-Wide Planning grants help communities plan improvements such as housing, transportation & health facilities

  15. 11 בינו׳

    : Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -- Albert Einstein.

  16. 11 בינו׳

    Happy Birthday, Aldo Leopold!

  17. 11 בינו׳
  18. 11 בינו׳

    We're in Ft. Meade, Md to celebrate the certification of the Environmental Science Center.

  19. 11 בינו׳

    One of Conference "Call for Ideas" topic areas: "How Do We Design Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Communities?"

  20. 11 בינו׳

מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
