Mining Publication: Technology News 437 - Total Mill Ventilation System for Mineral Processing Facilities

Original creation date: May 1994

Authors: Bureau of Mines

Technology News - May 1994

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10004747

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Technology News 437, 1994 May; :1-2

Many mineral processing operations have difficulty meeting Federal standards for respirable dust. All mineral processing operations use some type of engineering controls to address their most significant dust sources. Engineering controls include such things as baghouse-type dust collectors, scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitation. A total mill ventilation system can lower mill-wide dust concentrations, hence reducing respirable dust exposures of workers in mineral processing operations. The system uses clean air drawn in at the base of the building to dilute and remove dust from contaminated areas within the mill structure. This dust-laden air is then exhausted out near the top of the building.

Image of publication Technology News 437 - Total Mill Ventilation System for Mineral Processing Facilities
Technology News - May 1994

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 10004747

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Technology News 437, 1994 May; :1-2

Page last reviewed: 9/21/2012 Page last updated: 9/21/2012