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"Over the last seven years, we’ve made historic investments in clean energy that helped private-sector companies create tens of thousands of good jobs. And today, clean power from the wind or the sun is actually cheaper in many communities than dirtier, conventional power. It’s helped grow our economy and cut our total carbon pollution more than any other country on earth." —President Obama Watch the weekly address.
"If you haven’t looked at your new coverage options, you’ve still got time to get covered on the health insurance marketplace for 2016. You have until January 31—next Sunday—to enroll. Just go to,, or call 1-800-318-2596." —President Obama Watch the weekly address.
"That’s when America works best—when everyone has opportunity; when everyone has some security; and when everyone can contribute to this country we love. That’s how we make sure that hardworking families can get ahead." —President Obama Watch the weekly address.

Tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, President Obama delivers his farewell address in Chicago.

Don't miss it.

As his time in office comes to a close, President Obama will return to Chicago to deliver his Farewell Address on the evening of January 10, 2017.

"Our goal wasn't just to make sure more people have coverage—it was to make sure more people have better coverage." —President Obama

Posted by Barack Obama
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Organizing for Action

The economy continued to add jobs in October, extending the longest streak of total job growth on record. That kind of progress makes a real difference in the daily lives of millions of Americans.

Today marks a crucial step forward in the fight against climate change, as the historic Paris Climate Agreement officially enters into force.

Let's keep pushing for progress.

A landmark global accord to combat climate change officially entered into force on Friday, putting pressure on countries to start executing plans to slash greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming.|By Nina Chestney and Valerie Volcovici

The economic progress we're making is undeniable—and it's up to all of us to keep building an economy that works for all Americans.

The unemployment rate was little changed, ticking back down to 4.9 percent. Hourly earnings rose 10 cents over last month — in total, wages are up 2.8 percent year over year.

Obamacare was designed on the principle that health care coverage that's affordable, accessible to all, and free from discrimination should be a right, not a privilege. We can't afford to let opponents roll that back.

Since it became law, the uninsured rate has been cut in half, lifetime caps are a thing of the past—and more.

Millions of Americans are benefiting from Obamacare.

Gracias al Obamacare, es más fácil mantenerse sano con cuidado preventivo.

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Open enrollment is back—but only for a limited time.

The marketplace is open again for all Americans—but only for a limited time. Check out your options today.

Don't be spooked by the headlines—with financial assistance, most people can find coverage for $75 or less.

The health care marketplace opens back up tomorrow.

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Think anyone can top baby Pope this year?

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Team Obamacare is pushing back against misinformation and fighting for quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

Use your voice to help protect access to health care for millions of Americans.

The marketplace opens tomorrow. Are you and your family covered?

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Image may contain: one or more people and text
Organizing for Action

De-Nile of coverage for pre-existing conditions? That's ancient history. Open enrollment begins November 1.

The facts matter. Organizing for Action's Truth Team will deliver them straight to your inbox.

We must continue to invest in an economy that works for everyone, and not just those at the top.

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