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Acronym List

  • A&T - Acquisition and Technology
  • ACAT - Acquisition Category
  • ACTD - Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration
  • ADCAP - Advanced Capability
  • AFNSEP - Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness Office
  • AIA - Aerospace Industries Association
  • AMC - Army Materiel Command
  • AMSMP - Army Modeling and Simulation Management Program
  • AMSWG - Acquisition Modeling and Simulation Working Group
  • AOTR - Assessment of Operational Test Readiness
  • ASD - Assistant Secretary of Defense
  • ASD(R&E) - Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
  • ASUW - Anti-Surface Warfare
  • ASW - Anti-Submarine Warfare
  • AT - Anti-Tamper
  • AT&L - Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
  • ATP-TF - Acquisition and Technology Programs Task Force
  • BBP - Better Buying Power
  • BDRP - Biological Defense Research Program
  • C2 - Command and Control
  • C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
  • CAPE - Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
  • CAM - Chemical Agent Monitor
  • CBDCOM - Chemical Biological Defense Command
  • CCS - Combat Control System
  • CDD - Capability Development Document
  • CDR - Critical Design Review
  • CLM - Continuous Learning Module
  • CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration
  • COTS - Commercial-Off-the-Shelf
  • CPD - Capability Production Document
  • CPI - Critical Program Information
  • CTI - Controlled Technical Information
  • DAB - Defense Acquisition Board
  • DAE - Defense Acquisition Executive
  • DAES - Defense Acquisition Executive Summary
  • DAG - Defense Acquisition Guidebook
  • DAPS - Defense Acquisition Program Support
  • DASD - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
  • DASD(SE) - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering
  • DAU - Defense Acquisition University
  • DAWIA - Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act
  • DCMA - Defense Contract Management Agency
  • DDR&E - Director, Defense Research and Engineering (now ASD(R&E))
  • DE - Digital Engineering
  • DEWG - Digital Engineering Working Group
  • DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  • DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency
  • DoD - Department of Defense
  • DoDRDB - Department of Defense Resources Database
  • DoE - Department of Energy
  • DoMS - Director of Military Support
  • DOT&E - Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
  • DPWG - Development Planning Working Group
  • DSB - Defense Science Board
  • DSOC - Defense Safety Oversight Committee
  • DSWA - Defense Special Weapons Agency
  • DT - Developmental Test
  • DT&E - Developmental Test and Evaluation
  • DTEPI - Defense Test and Evaluation Professional Institute
  • DTTSG - Defense Test and Training Steering Group
  • EE - Engineering Enterprise
  • EMD - Engineering and Manufacturing Development
  • ENG - Engineering (career field)
  • EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
  • EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
  • ERS - Engineered Resilient Systems
  • EVM - Earned Value Management
  • EW - Electronic Warfare
  • FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation
  • FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • FCO - Federal Coordinating Officer
  • FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards
  • FIPT - Functional Integrated Process Team
  • FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • FL - Functional Leader
  • FoS - Family of Systems
  • FY - Fiscal Year
  • FYDP - Future Years Defense Program
  • GCCS - Global Command and Control System
  • GCSS - Global Combat Support System
  • GIG - Global Information Grid (formerly DII)
  • GOTS - Government-Off-the-Shelf
  • GSA - General Services Administration
  • HQDA - Headquarters Department of the Army
  • HSI - Human Systems Integration
  • IA - Information Assurance
  • IC - Intelligence Community
  • ICD - Initial Capabilities Document
  • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
  • INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering
  • INFOSEC - Information Security
  • IPT - Integrated Product Team
  • ITAB - Information Technology Acquisition Board
  • ITEA - International Test and Evaluation Association
  • ITW/AA - Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment
  • I-TRAP - Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program
  • JCIDS - Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
  • JFAC - Joint Federated Assurance Center
  • JITC - Joint Interoperability Test Command
  • JMCIS - Joint Maritime Command and Info System
  • JMET - Joint Mission Environment Test
  • JNMS - Joint Network Management System
  • JOA - Joint Operational Architecture
  • JTA - Joint Technical Architecture
  • JTE - Joint Test and Evaluation
  • JTF - Joint Task Force
  • KPP - Key Performance Parameter
  • KSA - Key System Attribute
  • LCSP - Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
  • M&S - Modeling and Simulation
  • MAIS - Major Automated Information System
  • MARS - Mobile Analytical Response System
  • MBSE - Model-Based Systems Engineering
  • MDAP - Major Defense Acquisition Program
  • MDD - Materiel Development Decision
  • MNS - Mission Needs Statement
  • MOSA - Modular Open Systems Approach
  • MPS - Major Program Support
  • MSA - Materiel Solution Analysis
  • MS&A - Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis
  • MSCA - Military Support to Civilian Authorities
  • NBC - Nuclear Biological Chemical
  • NC&B - Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological
  • NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer
  • NCS - National Communications System
  • NDIA - National Defense Industrial Association
  • NMRI - Naval Medical Research Institute
  • OPEVAL - Operational Evaluation
  • ORD - Operational Requirements Documents
  • O&S - Operations and Support
  • OSA - Open Systems Architecture
  • OSSE - Operational Safety, Suitability, and Effectiveness
  • OT - Operational Test
  • P&D - Production and Deployment
  • PDD - Presidential Decision Directive
  • PDR - Preliminary Design Review
  • PEO - Program Executive Office
  • PM - Program Manager
  • POM - Program Objective Memorandum
  • PP - Program Protection
  • PPP - Program Protection Plan
  • PQM - Production, Quality, and Manufacturing
  • PSA - Principal Staff Assistant
  • PSA - Program Support Assessment
  • RAM - Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
  • SA - System Assurance
  • SAWG - System Assurance Working Group
  • SDD - System Design and Development
  • SDD - System Development and Demonstration
  • SE - Systems Engineering
  • SECARMY - Secretary of the Army
  • SECIE - Software Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange
  • SEI - Software Engineering Institute
  • SEP - Systems Engineering Plan
  • SISAIG - Software-Intensive Systems Acquisition Improvement Group
  • SoS - System of Systems
  • SoSECIE - System-of-Systems Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange
  • SSCI - Systems and Software Consortium inc
  • SSE - System Security Engineering
  • SSTC - Systems and Software Technology Conference
  • SW - Software
  • SWWG - Software Working Group
  • SwE - Software Engineering
  • T&E - Test and Evaluation
  • TDS - Technology Development Strategy
  • TECHEVAL - Technical Evaluation
  • TEMP - Test and Evaluation Master Plan
  • TES - Test and Evaluation Strategy
  • TMRR - Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction
  • TRMC - Test Resource Management Center
  • USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers
  • USAMRICD - United States Army Medical Research Institute for Chemical Defense
  • USAMRIID - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease
  • USD(AT&L) - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
  • VE - Value Engineering
  • WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • WSARA - Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009