NOAA -- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

How Our Data are Used

NOAA Satellite observations of the atmosphere on a global scale began more than 40 years ago. Since then, the application of data provided by NOAA spacecraft has evolved considerably and now benefits an array of scientific disciplines and sectors of the U.S. economy.

How Our Data are Used Illustration


Weather forecasters across the country and around the world rely on data provided...


NOAA’s satellites, radars, buoys, stations, and gauges monitor the variability of the Earth’s climate...


Satellites enhance our ability to monitor ecosystems and track the effects of environmental change...


Energy suppliers rely on NOAA for the data they need to make decisions about their operations...


Earth's environment can change at a moments notice, creating dangerous situations for planes, trains, cars,...

National Security

Satellite observations provide important contributions to U.S. national security by providing...

Public Health & Safety

From predicting malaria risk in Sub-Saharan Africa to protecting coastal communities from...


It’s no secret that NOAA satellites play a vital role in generating weather forecasts, but did you know that they’re just as important to the development agricultural forecasts...