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                             Director                                                                                          Deputy Director
          Commodore Robert J. Smekta                                                                  Douglas Colwell

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The Human Resources Directorate is one of three directorates within FORCECOM.  It is composed of seven divisions and twenty-three branches, each of which provides specialty services to the Directorate or to the membership of the Auxiliary.

The Mission of the Human Resources Directorate is to provide comprehensive, timely, and accurate personnel information to the members of the Auxiliary via two primary goals. The first goal is to emphasize core values and expected standards to develop highly effective members that adhere to the core values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty. All must stand ready to serve as sworn members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Cultivating leadership skills and succession management within elected and appointed officers is the H-Directorate's second primary goal. Succession management is a key to developing exemplary teamwork and leaders. The H-Directorate strives to nurture the leadership culture and training continuum to support succession planning throughout the Auxiliary.

"Tuesday Night Live" Webinars Introduced

The Human Resources Directorate announces the formal introduction of a national resource tool for recruiting.

Individuals expressing interest in joining the Auxiliary can take advantage of a Webinar designed specifically for their needs.  The "Tuesday Night Live" program will be offered the first Tuesday night of every month to provide items of interest to potential applicants, and to offer them a dedicated opportunity to have their individual questions answered.  

Two specific sessions are scheduled and prospective members can choose between either Webinar depending upon their own personal schedule or time zone.

Atlantic Area Session - 1900 Eastern Time - First Tuesday of every month
Pacific Area Session - 1900 Pacific Time - First Tuesday of every month 

2016 NTRAIN Proposals and Approvals

Auxiliary Recruiting Service Award
Recommendation:  To modify COMDTINST M16790.1G, Chapter 11, A.11.c. Auxiliary Recruiting Service Award. The Auxiliary Recruiting Service award is awarded for recruiting seven or more new Auxiliarists into the Auxiliary as determined and credited through the FC. 

Chief Director final action: Concur and approved, effective immediately. The Auxiliary Recruiting Service Award nomination form (AUX-RSA) posted on the Auxiliary forms web site will be amended accordingly. The Auxiliary Recruiting Service award shall be awarded for recruiting seven or more new Auxiliarists into the Auxiliary within the same calendar year as determined and credited through the FC. A newly recruited Auxiliarist must have been issued a member identification number and have had their Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) initiated during the award year in order to be credited toward the award. Accurate Flotilla Commander validation that an Auxiliarist has met these revised award criteria is crucial and must be clearly communicated using the AUX-RSA form submitted up the regional chain to
the cognizant Director of Auxiliary.

District Staff Officer-Food Service (DSO-FS)
Recommendation:  Establish the position of District Staff Officer-Food Service (DSO-FS). Given the growth of the Auxiliary Food Service Program and the increasing dependence upon Auxiliarists to augment active duty Food Service billets and special events across the country, the proposal is to establish the position of a District Staff Officer-Food Service to implement, manage and further develop this critical program. Chief Director final action: Concur and approved, effective immediately. AUXDATA changes to recognize DSO-FS, ADSO-FS, and SO-FS appointments will be made in the next two weeks. It is important to note that the number of qualified AUXFS, as is consistent with the Auxiliary marine safety (Trident) program, is closely tied to clear and defined Coast Guard needs for food service program support at Coast Guard units in localized areas.

Everyone is a Recruiter

Captain Mathew Bell Jr.
Deputy Commander, Personnel Service Center

At the Auxiliary National Training Conference in St. Louis, MO in January, Captain Matthew Bell (Deputy Commander of the Coast Guard Personnel Service Center) and Captain Rob Smith (Commanding Officer of the Coast Guard Recruiting Command) delivered a presentation to the Auxiliary's National Board that emphasized the importance and value of Auxiliary support of
the Coast Guard's recruiting program. The Coast Guard's "Everyone Is A Recruiter (EIAR)" campaign is now underway to help identify and recruit the best candidates for the best military service - the U.S. Coast Guard. The targeted age range for these candidates is 17 to 27 years of age. The Auxiliary is an integral part of this campaign, and is being turned to for help in
generating Coast Guard recruitment leads and referrals. Additional information about the EIAR campaign can be found in its instruction located at the following web site:

In general, the best direction that Auxiliarists can lead prospective Coast Guard recruits is toward the Coast Guard recruiting web site: As part of the EIAR campaign, Auxiliary flotilla, division, and regional leaders are also strongly encouraged to reach out to proximate Coast Guard recruiting offices in order to get to know each other, possibly receive limited recruiting literature and incentive items that help recruit new Coast Guardsmen, and to collaborate with regards to public outreach opportunities. Coast Guard recruiting office
locations and contact information can be found in the "Find a Recruiter" section of the Coast Guard recruiting web site:
Limited supplies of recruiting materials provided by the Coast Guard Recruiting Command have begun arriving at the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC). These materials will be carried on the ANSC inventory available for order by Flotilla Commanders (FC) and Flotilla Staff Officers for Materials (FSO-MA). Materials should not be ordered unless absolutely sure that they will
be used in full and timely manner. Four types of materials will be available: 

(1) Coast Guard recruiting business cards (these are the most effective
recruiting tool due to their simplicity and direct message).

(2) Coast Guard Roles and Missions brochures.

(3) FAQ brochures.

(4) 9/11 GI Bill brochures. 

The Coast Guard Recruiting Command has also advised that there are still many outdated recruiting materials in circulation, specifically items with a "1-800" or "1-877" telephone number on it (e.g., pencils, tablecloths, etc). The Coast Guard Recruiting Command no longer uses any such
telephone numbers...just the web site. Any legacy recruiting materials with phone numbers on them must not be distributed but rather disposed of.
The Coast Guard is calling on all members of its family to support the Everyone Is A Recruiter campaign...and the Auxiliary is a vital and cherished member in this effort!  You are invited to reach out to your nearest Coast Guard Recruiter to begin working together.  Please explore the menu option to the left as we continue to develop this resource to support your efforts.

Clearing backlogged Auxiliary Personnel Security Investigations (PSI) and Establishing New Provisional Membership Procedures

1.  An L2 message was issued  to notify all Auxiliary members of efforts underway to clear the backlogged Auxiliary PSIs (a/k/a, "background checks") submitted by new members over the past two years, and to announce a new program of soon to be released improvements in our membership processes. 

2.  Clearing Backlogged Auxiliary PSIs.
(2) Both cadres  will remain in place through the summer or longer to help transition to a long-term Auxiliary PSI processing system at SECCEN.  Local units should ensure thorough form review and quality control to help speed the processing of new Auxiliary PSI packages.
b.  The Chief Director of the Auxiliary anticipates that within the next 90 days screening of the remainder of the OS PSI packages, that have been awaiting adjudication, will be completed.

c.  As of January 1, 2016, Auxiliarists in AP status whose PSIs have been fully adjudicated must complete all Auxiliary Mandatory Training (AUXMT) before their membership status will be changed from AP and before they will be issued an ID card.  Those Auxiliarists who have completed all Mandated Training and who have had their PSI package adjudicated at SECCEN will have their membership status changed from AP to Initially Qualified (IQ), Basically Qualified (BQ), or AUXOP (AX) and will receive their ID card.

3.   Establishing New Provisional Membership Procedures.
The Coast Guard has established a program that allows Auxiliarists who meet certain criteria to become "provisional members" while awaiting completion of their PSI.  This is not a new membership status nor does it exempt or short-circuit the Auxiliary PSI process.  Rather, it will facilitate ID card issuance and shorten the time for the Auxiliary PSI process to be properly completed.

Additional detailed information on the Provisional Membership Program procedures will be published shortly.

New Member Course and Mandated Training

  Course is now available at the following


N-Train Presentation

Mentoring HRD Overview


AP Status

First understand everything we do is governed by Federal law and the Commandant’s Instructions for the Auxiliary. Auxiliarists in Approval Pending (AP) status still have huge opportunities to train and qualify in virtually any program in the Auxiliary.

New members:

  • Are issued Member Numbers
  • Vote  
  • Pay dues
  • Wear the uniform of the Coast Guard Auxiliary
  • Serve on committees
  • Take any and all Auxiliary courses
  • Take any and all end-of-course exams associated with these courses

New Members in AP Status:

  • May train and qualify in any program of the Auxiliary just as other Auxiliarists in IQ, BQ, or AUXOP status other than for coxswain, aviation certification, citizenship verifier or fingerprint technician.
  • Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, aviation and boat coxswain certification will be limited to interim certifications, which may be granted by their DIRAUX
  • Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, elected and staff officer positions will require an interim waiver granted by their DIRAUX

It is important for you to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do some homework. Your officers and flotilla shipmates should find mentors to assist you with your tasks.  Be proactive and work with them and familiarize yourself with the Auxiliary Manual.  Being a member of the United States Coast Guard team carries the responsibility of completing required training and obtaining a favorable personal security investigation (PSI). This applies to every Auxiliary member from the newest to the National Commodore.  

It is easy to take on too much at first; focus on being proficient in one program at a time. When your favorable security determination comes through you will no longer be required to team up with a fellow member who is already IQ, BQ or AX. You will be able to represent the Coast Guard and Auxiliary on your own at boat ramps, public affairs events and so much more.  You will also be able to help mentor others in the wide variety of Auxiliary activities.
Further details and information are available in the on-line Auxiliary Manual at: , and in the Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) at:

Human Resources Directorate Calendar