SelectUSA Stats

Learn how to use and explore our foreign direct investment (FDI) data tool

Welcome to the SelectUSA Investment Data Tool

SelectUSA has created several data dashboards to assist visitors to our website with visualizing and analyzing key FDI data from a variety of sources. Each dashboard features the earliest through the latest available data. Please note that for some indices there can be a delay of up to two years (data release dates vary).

SelectUSA Stats, an FDI data visualization tool
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We regret that at this time the data is not viewable on mobile devices.  

Dashboard Overview

SelectUSA Stats Dashboard View

FDI Dashboard (U.S. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Position and Flow)

This dashboard provides users the opportunity to visualize FDI stock and flows to and from the United States.  Data can be further refined by industry, country, and date range.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

FDI in the U.S. By Country

This dashboard provides users with a clear way to visualize FDI stock (the cumulative value of FDI at year-end) and FDI flow (the value of FDI during a specific time period) into the United States – as well as the impact that associated FDI has had on U.S. employment.  Data can be further refined by industry and date range.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

FDI in the U.S. By Detailed Industries

This dashboard provides users with a clear way to visualize FDI stock (the cumulative value of FDI at year-end) into the United States, broken down into a variety of detailed industries. Multiple industries can be compared using this tool and the data can be further refined by date.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

U.S. FDI Employment By State

This dashboard allows users to visualize FDI-related employment data through a variety of lenses for a selected state – including the effects of FDI on employment for each industry, total number of FDI-supported jobs, state-by-state comparisons, and country of investment origin. Data can be further refined by year. 

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

U.S. FDI Employment By Industry

This dashboard allows users to visualize FDI-related employment data through an industry lens. Users can examine total FDI-supported employment by each industry and can also visualize the share of FDI-supported employment in the entire United States economy. 

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Characteristics of Foreign Firms in the U.S.

This dashboard provides a comparative view of key FDI-related factors, including employment, R&D, exports, and total compensation. Visitors can also delve into country-by country analyses.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

BEA Greenfield Investment by Country

This dashboard provides insight into sources of new greenfield investment in the United States. Pulling from BEA’s New Investment Survey, these statistics capture current and planned expenditures as reported by foreign investors in the United States. Visitors can compare first year expenditures with forward-looking planned investment by country.

Some data may not appear in the dashboard because it is suppressed so as not to disclose individual company information.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

BEA Greenfield Investment By State

This dashboard provides insight into new greenfield investment in the United States, displaying the destination of this new investment by state.  The dashboard includes data both for first year greenfield investments already made, and for planned greenfield investments to be made in the future.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

BEA Greenfield Investment By Industry

This dashboard provides insight into new greenfield investment in the United States, particularly for each industry. Both first year greenfield investments already made and planned greenfield investments to be made in the future are displayed for each industry in this dashboard.

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Ease of Doing Business & World Economic Indicators

This dashboard provides users with the opportunity to compare countries on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business index, in addition to various macroeconomic indicators from the International Monetary Fund.

Sources: International Monetary Fund; World Bank

Venture Capital & Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index

This dashboard provides a comparative view of The Venture Capital & Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index by providing overall index value and key drivers of country attractiveness for selected countries.

Source: IESE Business School, University of Navarra

OECD Productivity

This dashboard provides insight into U.S. labor force productivity using two main indicators from the OECD. The dashboard also allows for cross-country comparison. 

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 

OECD Regulatory Restrictiveness Index

This dashboard visualizes the OECD’s regulatory restrictiveness index and allows users to compare how restrictive other regulatory systems are to the United States. This data can be further refined by sector or industry.

Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 

How to Use SelectUSA Stats

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To navigate between dashboards, click on the tabs across the top of the screen.

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To change country or industry-specific views, check or select the desired content using gray boxes in each dashboard.

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On the upper right hand corner is a blue information icon (pictured above). Hovering over this icon will reveal specific instructions for the page.

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To download and print the data, click on "Download" in the lower right corner.

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