ONCOverený účet


ONC's mission is to improve health and health care for all Americans through use of information technology.

Washington, DC
Na Twitteri od január 2010

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  1. 25. 1.

    DYK: ONC has a YouTube Page complete with plain language videos that explain ? Visit:

  2. 25. 1.

    Continue the conversation & post your comments on the Interactive ISA:

  3. 25. 1.

    Potential = ✔health and treatment history, ✔symptoms, ✔lifestyle choices, & more. VISIT:

  4. 25. 1.
  5. 25. 1.

    Interested in receiving the latest updates on ? Subscribe to the weekly ONC Email Blast:

  6. 25. 1.
  7. 25. 1.
  8. 24. 1.

    Can’t wait for the annual ISA snapshot? Visit the INTERACTIVE Version w/ near real-time updates:

  9. 24. 1.

    Join the conversation on the role of in the use of patient-generated health data ():

  10. 24. 1.

    Updated Playbook lists upcoming Workforce Trainings ☞

  11. 24. 1.

    Interested in participating in the next Challenge? Visit:

  12. 23. 1.
  13. 23. 1.
  14. 23. 1.

    DYK: ONC has a Youtube Page complete with plain language videos that explain ? Visit:

  15. 23. 1.
  16. 21. 1.

    Updated Playbook lists upcoming Workforce Trainings ☞

  17. 21. 1.
  18. 20. 1.

    Potential = ✔health and treatment history, ✔symptoms, ✔lifestyle choices, & more. VISIT:

  19. 20. 1.

    Share your comments on new or implementation specifics on the Interactive ISA:

  20. 20. 1.

    ONC’s work continues under - Acting National Coordinator.

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