Publications SMA15-4444
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The Facts about Naltrexone for Treatment of Opioid Addiction

The Facts about Naltrexone for Treatment of Opioid Addiction

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Gives patients information on naltrexone and medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. Describes addiction and withdrawal, how naltrexone works, its proper use, its side effects, and how it fits with counseling in the recovery process.

Pub id: SMA15-4444
Publication Date: 10/2015
Popularity: Not ranked
Format: Brochure
Audience: Family & Advocates
Population Group: People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group

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05/23/2013 12:24 PM

A professional from a Behavioral Health Treatment Facility said:

Please update for current injectable XR-naltrexone.

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03/16/2016 12:11 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

I would like to get it in larger quantities for patients, and agree that injectable extended release information or brochure is needed. [Portions of this comment containing customer service inquiries have been redacted. Customers with questions about inventory availability, specific orders, or website technical questions are encouraged to visit our SAMHSA Store Help page at]