U.S. Trademark Law: Rules of Practice & Federal Statute

A complete presentation of 37 C.F.R. Part 2- Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases; the text of the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended, and related statutory sections. [Electronic Version]  [PDF]

The text of the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended, and related statutory sections.  [PDF]

Prior editions of 37 C.F.R. Part 2 - Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases; the text of the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended.

Proposed Rules

  • Revival of Abandoned Applications, Reinstatement of Abandoned Applications and Cancelled or Expired Registrations, and Petitions to the Director 74997-75005 [2016-26035] [TEXT] [PDF] (28Oct2016)
  • Changes in Requirements for Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases, 40589 - 40594 [2016 - 14791] [TEXT](link is external)  [PDF](link is external) (22June2016)
  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Relating toTrademark Fee Adjustment, 33619–33632 [2016–12571] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (27May2016)
  • Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice, 19325–19352 [2016-06672][TEXT](link is external) [PDF](link is external) (04March2016)
  • Trademark Applications and Renewals; Reduction of Fees, 26664–26669 [2014–10730] [TEXT] [PDF] (09May2014)
  • Changes in Requirements for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Certification Marks [TEXT] [PDF] (20Feb2014)
  • Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Rules of Practice and the Rules of Practice in Filings Pursuant to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks [2014–01126] [TEXT] [PDF] (23Jan2014)

Recent Final Rules

  • Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases; Delay of Effective Date, 10273 [2017–02796] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (10Feb2017)
  • Changes in Requirements for Affidavits or Declarations of Use, Continued Use, or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases, 6259–6265 [2017–00317] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (19Jan2017)
  • Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice; Correction, 89382–89383 [2016–29728] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (12Dec2016)
  • Trademark Fee Adjustment, Correction 78042–78043 [2016-26684] [TEXT] [PDF] (07Nov2016)
  • International Trademark Classification; Changes, 76867–76870 [2016–26682] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (04Nov2016)
  • Trademark Fee Adjustment, 72694–72708 [2016-25506] [TEXT] [PDF] (21Oct2016)
  • Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice, 69950–69988 [2016–23092] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (07Oct2016)
  • USPTO Law School Clinic Certification Program, 33591–33598 [2016–12498] [TEXT] (link is external) [PDF] (link is external) (27May2016)
  • International Trademark Classification Changes [TEXT] [PDF] (24Dec2015)

  • Trademark Rules of Practice: Rules of Practice for Collective Trademarks and Service Marks, Collective Membership Marks, and Certification Marks [TEXT] [PDF] (11June2015)

  • Trademark Rules of Practice: Rules of Practice in Filings Pursuant to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, 2303–2313 [2015–00267] [TEXT] [PDF] (16Jan2015)

  • Reduction of Fees for Trademark Applications and Renewals, 74633–74639 [2014–29413] [TEXT] [PDF] (16Dec2014)

  • International Trademark Classification Changes [TEXT] [PDF] (09Aug2012)

  • Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases [TEXT] [PDF] (22May2012)
  • Trademark Technical and Conforming Amendments [TEXT] [PDF] (08Nov2011)