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I escaped life When i got out of prison, I started to travel. When i traveled, i found someone and he told me dont greet or look at someone and that it was illegal. I asked him whether it was a true story, and he said that he was saying the truth. I asked him how can live life without looking. I also asked him how i can shop without looking. He told me that he was giving me information like a friend, so that i could understand and save my life. He said that if i wanted to look at women i would get in trouble. This time i began to remember about my time in prison. I remembered when a officer walked around, you had to stand up without looking at him, these were the rules. Sometimes they stopped people from talking, even if you were sick you couldn't make noise. I started to know that the rules in prison and outside werent different. One day i was walking on the street, i found out that the police had caught someone who had known me. This police came and told me not to look at that guy. I told the police that i looked at him, and that when they caught him they didn't put a mask on his face so that he didn't look at him. The police looked at me and started to laugh. This was the time i changed the way i looked at things.I liked swimming, I stopped watching swimming. I stopped watching swimming with my eyes and turned back. Life began being hard to me, and i began asking myself why i was born with eyes. My dreams began to fail, and i started to remember where i was coming from. Where i came from, i was free to watch and touch each other. This time my dreams didn't fail, it had been working. My dreams brought me to get a lot of different friends. She was not my girlfriend or partner, she was just a friend who i could talk to if i had problems. I had gotten a lot of friends like her, but i do not want to put pictures of them. I had gotten a lot of friends like who were like girl friends, but i couldn't put photos of them, because i respect them. They might have a boyfriend or be married and i dont want to ruin that. I had a lot of men friends. You can be friends with a man but not have any photos, but women always want to take photos if they are happy with you. My dreams to fail, i had thought that it was me alone. When i went to understand other people, i found out that we all fail our dreams. One day i had been walking in the street, I was walking back towards the police man. He passed a woman, and turned his head to look at the woman. He turned 2 times to look at the woman,and i told him not to watch. He gave me a thumbs up, and told me that men had to watch a little bit. I had known that he had eyes like everyone but i wanted to make him funny because i wanted to show him that he was like me. This was the time that i figured that police weren't free. When i changed accommodation, I found that one of my neighbor in the laundry. We greeted each other, and she asked me whether i had a family. I said no. Three weeks later she asked me again weather i needed to be married, and i said yes. She asked me the age i wanted, and i told her i didnt know the age. She had been dreaming, and she started cleaning my house and taking care of my laundry. She had been scared to tell me directly what she wanted. She thought that if she told me i would call police, She started to use tricks only, so that i could talk. I had known what she wanted but was also scared of the police. Another day she called me, she was wearing clothes without the button, she told me to close her buttons. She wanted me to watch her swimming. I closed her buttons, she was good at swimming, and i decided to close my eyes. Another one of my neighbors, a lot of times she met me in the lift, she told me her daughter had seen me in the city. Whenever i met her daughter she would say that her mother had seen me in the lift. I start to talk about why they always talked about me, and i had known that they had dreamed together. I couldn't talk because the police closed my mouth. These two ladies died and another one i never saw again. They had dreamt about swimming. They wanted to be cared for. I was very happy to take care of them. The problem was the police, they failed dream and so did. My darlings are in the cemetery, and i know that they find the police and they blame them about why they had put laws against talking or touching. There, the police dont have any power. I wait for my time, so that i could find them there to funeral. We’ll help each other, because there arent many rules about not touching or talking together. We’ll blame the police and jealous people who bring the rules. This all my friends, my dreams have failed. I get one dream only. These are the rules that bring problems, people to fail dream and to make each other business This woman called me at night, and i asked her who she was. After i asked her who she was she told me that she had called the wrong phone. She called me again on another line, and every time i asked her who she was she said that it was a mistake. For the next two weeks this is what happened most days. Sometimes she would tell me her name, but i had never heard of her. She started sending me blank messages and also called me. I asked her to stop sending me blank messages. She kept calling me and sending me blank messages, i told her that i liked her blank messages. She sent me a text I sent her a message telling her that if she wanted to tell me something important or needed help, to arrange a meeting. I just wanted to know what she needed from me. I wanted to know if she wanted to charge me a case that i harassed her. I also wanted to know if she had liked me, but was afraid to tell me because she was afraid that i would charge her for harassment. She sent me another blank message When she sent me this message it had been at night. I also sent her a message 0 . after 5 in the morning, she called me. She blamed me why i had me at night. I told her that she had called me at night, and i had answered her. She told me that if she hadn't called me at night, i wouldn't had called her back. She told me that she would call the police for me. I thanked her, and said that if she wanted to call the emergency she could. I told her that i had all the messages and call logs about her and that i hadn't removed them. She told me not to call her again, and that if i was to call her again she would call 000. She hanged up the phone. I was happy because i wanted to know what she had wanted from me. And know i knew what she wanted from me. She didn't have experience, her experience wasn't enough. She had wanted to make me business only, so that i could get in trouble. If she had loved me and wanted me, she wouldn't had enough experience. If she had grown up in a country which didn't have harassment laws, she would had experience, but she couldn't get experience in this country. She didn't have the experience to start a conversation with someone, she lost communication quickly. When she saw 0 she understood that i thought she was a 0. She lost communication quickly. If she had had experience she would have made an appointment with me to meet up and talk to her. If we had met together, she would have gotten what she wanted from me. These laws bring people not to meet or talk together, it only teaches people bad behavior only. I have found a lot of people like her. An example back from when i escape life. Back where i came from, it was a free country. You could talk and learn from each other. To make each other business wasn't easy. This photo i show wasn't with any of my girl friends. They had been my friends that i could to to about anything, and trade from our businesses. Sometimes you could find someone who didn't have experience with business, and you could give them information. People who are jealous and dont like to see people talking, and put these . These laws bring everyone not to be safe, whether its politicians, and normal people. Again they cause more problems to women. A lot of women in countries that have these rules are killed or raped. To put them to prison wont solve the problem, to make women safe. People being together and understanding the differences between bad and good, will reduce the problem. I have five daughters, four sons, 4 granddaughters, and 1 grandson. I feel pain for them, because they all wont feel safe. I also feel pain for you dears and your grandchildren, because they dont have any experience with communication and conversation. Politicians and everyone, we need to sit together and solve these problems to make people safe. Of all the countries that i have been to, the ones with these laws are the ones that have the most cases about women being raped then killed. The countries that dont have the rules, they have cases about rape but not killing. Sometimes they become friends and become family. A lot of people have been like this. ( dreaming this is tornado )

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