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Special Tabulations

Reports & Tables


Performance Network

The Highway Performance Network is a newly created geospatial network based on FHWA's 2013 HPMS network and the latest NPMRDS network. Through spatial integration, all TMC data contained in the NPMRDS data are transferred to the 2013 HPMS network. The goal and objective of this effort is to enable more in-depth analysis of travel time data along with capacity data and other publically defined data items such as the federally defined highway functional classification criteria. State highway agencies can take advantage of what have been accomplished here for the integration of NPMRDS data to their native HPMS system through relatively simple geospatial tagging procedure.

U.S. Traffic Monitoring Location Data

State highway and transportation agencies build, operate and maintain a system of traffic count stations to monitor roadway usage by obtaining vehicle volume, vehicle class, and vehicle weight information. These traffic monitoring stations can be either permanent or temporary (portable). Permanent traffic monitoring stations operate on a continuous basis throughout the year. Permanent stations are also referred to as continuous count stations. Temporary (portable) or short duration count stations refer to these locations where traffic counting is carried out over less than a full year. Often, short duration portable count time is 48 or 72 hours.

Toll Facilities in the United States

This report contains selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities regarding toll facilities in operation, financed, or under construction as of January 1, 2013. The report is based on voluntary responses received biennially. Differences and inconsistencies from previous editions or in the current tables may be due to omissions, corrections of known errors, and/or the introduction of new ones from those responding to the survey. Known reported ambiguities of rural/urban designations are assumed as urban. Corrections will be made pending confirmation by the State or toll authority in question.

FHWA National Vehicle Miles Traveled Projection

FHWA has constructed a national vehicle miles traveled (VMT) forecasting model where future VMT growth rates can be estimated for three major economic scenarios - normal, pessimistic, and optimistic growth. The normal growth scenario represents the most Likely economic outlook reflects IHS' assessment of most probable future trends in U.S. population, employment, capital investment, productivity growth, and aggregate economic output, with stable energy prices. The pessimistic economic outlook reflects slower growth in employment, investment, productivity, and output compared to historical norms, with volatile and generally increasing energy prices. The optimistic economic outlook reflects unusually rapid growth in employment, investment, productivity, and economic output, as well as stable or declining energy prices.

The VMT projection information is updated annually in the month of May based on IHS, Inc.’s spring release of our nation’s long-term economic data.

Transportation Analysis Framework

U.S. Traffic Volume Data

State highway agencies collect traffic volume data through both temporary traffic counting and continuous traffic counting programs and report their continuous counting data to FHWA on a monthly basis. Data listed here are reported by states following data format prescribed in FHWA's 2001 Traffic Monitoring Guide located at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/tmguide/


Page last modified on September 13, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000