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NIDA Notes Articles: Criminal Justice

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Study: Treat Jail Detainees’ Drug Abuse To Lower HIV Transmission

March 2014

Active drug use before incarceration was associated with decreased engagement in HIV treatment among HIV-infected jail detainees. The severity of drug dependence correlated with worsening measures of engagement in HIV treatment. The study concludes that evidence-based treatment for drug abuse in jails may result in improved HIV treatment outcomes, which in turn could help slow HIV-transmission rates in the United States.

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California Reaped Large Savings by Diverting Drug-Using Offenders Into Treatment

February 2014

California’s Proposition 36, which allows qualified drug offenders to enter substance use treatment rather than go to jail or prison, saved the state close to $100 million in its first year.

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After Release, Jail Inmates’ Substance Use Patterns Relate to Their Choice of Friends

July 2013

When the goal is to avoid using alcohol and illicit substances after being released from jail, it’s who one’s friends are that counts most. Self-control is important because it helps a person have the right kind of friends.

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Q & A: Dr. Redonna Chandler

April 2013

The chief of NIDA's Services Research Branch talks about drug abuse treatment within the criminal justice system, and assesses the challenges facing drug abuse treatment overall in the United States.

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Program Reduces Recidivism Among Men With Co-occurring Disorders

July 2012

A modified therapeutic community program designed by NIDA-supported researchers helped Colorado offenders with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders re-enter their communities and avoid recidivism after release from prison.

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Prison Use of Medications for Opioid Addiction Remains Low

July 2011

Describes results from a nationwide survey among correctional facilities on the use of opioid replacement therapy for people who are addicted to heroin.

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HIV Treatment Interruption Is Pervasive After Release From Texas Prisons

March 2011

Describes a study revealing that HIV-infected prisoners in Texas often experience an interruption in treatment following their release and that assistance in filling out paperwork can reduce these interruptions.

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Detoxification Services and Pharmacotherapies Lacking in Nation's Jails and Prisons

December 2010

Reports findings from a survey that revealed that although substance abuse is prevalent in jails and prisons, many correctional facilities do not offer detoxification services or therapies to aid in maintaining abstinence.

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High, Persistent Rates of Risky Sexual Behaviors in Delinquent Youth

October 2010
Reports study findings that show young people who have gotten into trouble with the criminal justice system report high rates of sexual behaviors that increase risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

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James A. Inciardi (1939-2009)

April 2010
Remembers Dr. James A. Inciardi, founder and co-director of the Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies and professor at the University of Delaware, who died on November 23, 2009.


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