Government Gets Healthy

June 4, 2010


Government Book Talk presents its first guest blogger!

My name is Kelly Seifert. I’ve been with GPO for nine years, working on initiatives for the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). You may know me from the recent “GPO Takes to the Streets” promotional videos: Most of my work centers on promoting the FDLP. I’m fascinated by the wide range of unique and intriguing Government documents out there and I’m always in search of interesting titles.

As I’ve heard more and more about the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign to fight childhood obesity, I started to wonder what kinds of information resources were available from the Government on health and nutrition. It turns out there are plenty!

Thinking about childhood obesity, one document particularly stuck out. In 1995, the National Cancer Institute put out an educational game called, “Slam Your Way to Good Health by Eating Five Fruits and Vegetables a Day!” The game came with pop-out disks depicting healthy, tasty foods. Players took turns “slamming” or throwing down the disks and collecting the ones that landed face-up. What a neat way to teach kids about nutrition!

While currently out of print, you can easily access this game by visiting your local Federal depository library. Locate a library in your area here.

Looking at the Slam game made me curious to see what else was available from the Government on healthy living. What I found was pretty cool. There are resources available for all ages. Here are a few… 1) Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health, 2) Pocket Guide to Staying Healthy at 50+, 3) The Healthy Woman: A Complete Guide for All Ages, 4) Be Active Your Way: A Guide for Adults, and 5) MyPyramid: Steps To A Healthier You (Poster)…and the list goes on and on!

Learn more about “Let’s Move” at


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