Federal Agency Participation
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Several metrics are captured related to the participation of federal agencies in supplying data to Data.gov, visitor statistics and other items. Recent visitor metrics for datasets can be found in this dataset and you can see the Project Open Data Dashboard to observe how successful CFO-Act agencies have been implementing the Federal Open Data Policy.

Below are the details on the participation of Federal agencies and sub-agencies.


Datasets Published Per Month

Data last updated on: 02/13/2017 12:33 AM GMT
Agencies and Subagencies:


Agency/Publisher Datasets Latest Entry
Department of Agriculture 75802/07/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher302/07/2017
Farm Service Agency2308/30/2016
National Agricultural Statistics Service102/18/2015
US Forest Service8310/20/2016
Department of Commerce 73,13302/10/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher202/26/2016
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration70,88502/07/2017
US Census Bureau65802/07/2017
Department of Defense 17801/19/2017
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency311/17/2015
Department of Education 33202/10/2017
Department of Energy 1,43002/10/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher111/30/2016
Department of Health and Human Services 1,98502/10/2017
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services101/12/2014
Department/Agency level/No publisher2701/06/2017
National Institutes of Health206/17/2014
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration101/12/2014
Department of Homeland Security 8,66111/18/2016
Department/Agency level/No publisher205/27/2016
Federal Emergency Management Agency8,10911/23/2015
Department of Housing and Urban Development 17301/08/2017
Department of Justice 1,75409/01/2016
Department/Agency level/No publisher5406/01/2016
Department of Labor 39601/11/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher1001/11/2017
Department of State 13304/23/2016
Department/Agency level/No publisher2512/16/2015
Department of the Interior 38,28902/10/2017
Bureau of Indian Education101/12/2014
Bureau of Land Management9509/01/2016
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management8602/07/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher509/01/2016
Federal Geographic Data Committee1308/02/2016
National Park Service1,41710/20/2016
Office of Hearings and Appeals101/12/2014
Office of the Solicitor101/12/2014
U.S. Geological Survey6,26302/10/2017
US Bureau of Reclamation1308/19/2015
US Fish and Wildlife Service30,39102/10/2017
Department of the Treasury 25311/23/2016
Department of Transportation 82511/30/2016
Department/Agency level/No publisher14611/30/2016
Department of Veterans Affairs 76411/30/2016
Environmental Protection Agency 2,08602/10/2017
Department/Agency level/No publisher1,52302/10/2017
General Services Administration 11102/07/2017
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 15,37910/22/2016
National Archives and Records Administration 4805/28/2016
National Science Foundation 9411/30/2016
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3202/10/2017
Office of Personnel Management 18609/12/2015
Small Business Administration 7811/22/2016
Social Security Administration 94902/07/2017
US Agency for International Development 17401/25/2017

Other Agencies

Agency/Publisher Datasets Latest Entry
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 301/12/2014
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 209/26/2015
Corporation for National and Community Service 301/12/2014
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency 101/12/2014
Election Assistance Commission 601/12/2014
Executive Office of the President 14901/12/2014
Council on Environmental Quality10101/12/2014
Department/Agency level/No publisher2001/12/2014
Office of National Drug Control Policy101/12/2014
Office of Science and Technology Policy601/12/2014
US Trade Representative1701/12/2014
White House401/12/2014
Federal Communications Commission 402/10/2017
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 301/12/2014
Federal Election Commission 401/12/2014
Federal Housing Finance Agency 205/29/2014
Federal Reserve Board 501/12/2014
Federal Trade Commission 605/20/2014
Institute of Museum and Library Services 7802/10/2017
Merit Systems Protection Board 301/12/2014
Millenium Challenge Corporation 12702/10/2017
National Capital Planning Commission 410/09/2014
National Endowment for the Humanities 802/07/2017
National Labor Relations Board 5601/12/2014
National Transportation Safety Board 2412/17/2015
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 301/12/2014
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation 401/12/2014
Overseas Private Investment Corporation 301/12/2014
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 1712/01/2016
Railroad Retirement Board 1406/02/2016
Securities and Exchange Commission 2101/12/2014
Selective Service System 901/12/2014
US Consumer Product Safety Commission 604/29/2016
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 10409/20/2016
Department/Agency level/No publisher209/13/2016
US International Trade Commission 311/06/2015
US Office of the Special Counsel 301/12/2014


Total 148,876 02/13/2017