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DAU Courses

Course Descriptions and Information
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The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) offers an entire platform of learning assets within the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Performance Learning Model to meet the career-long needs of the Defense Acquisition Workforce. At the foundation of these learning assets are the training courses DAU delivers in the classroom setting and online via our virtual campus.

Included in DAU’s inventory of course related learning assets are:

Training Courses Resident and distance learning courses of varying lengths designed to meet your acquisition career field core certification standards as well as specific assignment developmental needs.

Continuous Learning Modules Online self-paced short courses designed to meet specific training needs and in some cases core certification standards. All of our continuous learning modules, except for those supported by the Harvard Business School, are accessible by our industry partners and non DoD Federal agencies.

Targeted Training Courses These are on-site courses in which DAU faculty meet with an organizational representative to understand the customer’s requirements, then faculty modify or tailor these existing DAU learning assets to meet the learning needs of the customer. Note: These are fee-for-service courses.

From this site, you can review all the course concept cards (information) associated with our courses such as:

  • Course Descriptions
  • Target Audience
  • Intended Outcomes
  • Mode of Delivery
  • Equivalent Courses
  • Continuous Learning Points and CEU's awarded
  • American Council on Education (ACE) recommended college credits
  • Reserve Retirement Points
Our Browse Feature. Our Continuous Learning Courses and most of our distance learning training courses can be reviewed through browse features integrated into this site. In the upper right corner of each course concept card you will find a Browse This Course if the course is available in browse mode.

Applying for this Course Feature. While viewing a training or continuous learning course concept card, you can apply for the course by selecting the Apply for Course also located in the upper right corner of each course concept card. Please note:

  • DAU does not register students for courses. Within each Service or Agency, Directors of Acquisition Career Management (DACMs) oversee registration and attendance for these courses. Normally, the DACMs give priority to AT&L workforce members who are pursuing certification in an acquisition career field.
  • Attendance at a Level II or III training course presumes the student meets all course prerequisite requirements.
  • For Targeted Training Courses, this feature opens your outlook email with a populated address and course title as the subject line so that you can request or inquire about the course.