Monthly Archives: March 2010

Counting Those Not in Traditional Housing Units

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Over the next three days the Census Bureau will conduct a special set of activities to count those who use the services of shelters, soup kitchens, food vans, and those who sleep outdoors or in automobiles. These are individuals who … Continue reading

Posted in Homeless | 21 Comments

Replacement Forms Are Coming! Another Attempt to Reduce The Costs of Visits to Households by Census Takers

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One of the most consistent findings in survey research is that mailing to nonrespondent cases a second questionnaire leads to higher response rates. The vast majority of people who do not return a completed questionnaire after a couple of weeks … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census | 88 Comments

Foreclosures And Vacant Housing Units Affect The Census

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As too many Americans are well aware, the nation’s current economic climate has resulted in thousands of home foreclosures, leaving many housing units vacant. So how does this impact the census? For one, we still have to count the people … Continue reading

Posted in Doubled-up Households | 9 Comments

What If You Usually Receive Your Mail at a Post Office Box But Didn’t Get a Census Form?

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I’ve gotten some emails from residents who usually get their mail at a Post Office (P.O.) box and didn’t receive a form mailing to that box. We don’t send census forms to P.O. boxes, so it’s actually normal for them … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census | 28 Comments

So, If I’m to Report Who Lives Here on April 1, Why Should I Fill Out The Form Before April 1?

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I’ve been getting a few questions about the timing of completing the form. The form asks you to report who’s in your household on April 1, 2010. Our publicity is asking you to fill it out and mail it back … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census, Overview | 57 Comments