The property listed below has been determined to be abandoned or unclaimed property in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Included with the description of the property is the location where the property was found and the FBI office that has custody of it. Pursuant to Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 128-48, any person desiring to claim property must file with the Bureau a claim for said property by the deadline indicated (30 days from the date the property was first published in this notice). If the property is not claimed by that date, title will vest in the United States. A point of contact and FBI address for claims and additional information concerning the property or the procedures involved in filing a claim are provided. Please note that if you have already contacted the FBI in answer to a previous notice regarding the property, a second reply is not necessary. All correspondence should be submitted in duplicate to the claim address noted. All claims should reference the correct control number and include an accurate description of the property.

Property Description

Control Number

Date Acquired


Address to Submit Claim


$1,403.00 U.S. Currency



North Las Vegas, NV

Attn: Paralegal Specialist
John Lawrence Bailey Memorial Building
1787 W. Lake Mead Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89106


Bryco Arms Model 59 Pistol, SN: 207154




Attn:  Paralegal Specialist
900 E Linton Ave
Springfield, IL 62703
