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Data Table Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2009 - Statistical Tables

Michael N. Bowling, Ph.D., Ronald J. Frandsen, Gene A. Lauver, Regional Justice Information Service, Allina D. Boutilier, Devon B. Adams, Bureau of Justice Statistics

October 19, 2010    NCJ 231679

This web page describes background checks for firearm transfers conducted in 2009. The statistical tables provide the number of firearm transaction applications checked by state points of contact and local agencies, the number of applications denied and the reasons for denial, and estimates of applications and denials conducted by each type of approval system. Data are also provided on appeals of denied applications and arrests for falsified applications.

Michael Bowling, Ph.D., Ronald J. Frandsen, and Gene A. Lauver from Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS) prepared these tables under the supervision of Devon B. Adams and Allina D. Boutilier, of the Bureau of Justice Statistics and Terry J. Tomazic, Professor of Sociology at Saint Louis University, served as statistical advisor and Dave Naglich at REJIS assisted with data analysis on the project. The tables were prepared under BJS cooperative agreement #2009-BJ-CX-K006. The BJS sponsored Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) program collects information on firearm background checks conducted by state and local agencies and combines this information with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) transaction data. NCJ 231679

Part of the Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Series

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Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) program

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