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MUTCD Community Of Practice

If you have already read the description below previously about the MUTCD Community of Practice, you may go directly to the MUTCD Community of Practice.

The MUTCD Community of Practice site has been updated to a new platform. While the layout and appearance have changed, the MUTCD Community of Practice works in much the same way as it always has: you can add new discussion questions or respond to existing questions. Discussion questions are sorted by Topic Area. You will need to create a user account if you wish to:

  • Start or contribute to a discussion
  • Subscribe to alerts

How to Create a User Account

  1. Please select the following link: https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/FBA/Register.aspx. The link will take you directly to the Register an Account Web page.
  2. Fill in each of the required fields: User Name, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Organization. Note: If you have no organization information, enter "None."
  3. Click "Request Account."
  4. You will receive an e-mail indicating that your account is awaiting approval.
  5. An administrator will approve your account.

Subscribe to Alerts

To subscribe (receive e-mail alerts) to new content, use the links in the upper right of the landing page at: https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/dot/fhwa/ops/default.aspx. You can determine what triggers an alert and how often you would like to receive them. Once logged in, you can change these settings or unsubscribe at any time.

Alerts are optional e-mail notifications users receive when content changes occur within a SharePoint community, and are a great way to stay up to date. Alerts can be set up for lists or libraries, or for individual items within those lists or libraries. When setting up an alert, you can choose the alert type and frequency. Alerts can be edited at any time or deleted when content changes no longer need to be followed.

To set up an alert for the Discussion Board:

Select the Subscribe to Discussion link on the Operations Knowledge Communities home page. This option allows you to be kept up to date on all topic areas on the discussion board.

An image displaying the "Subcribe to Discussion" link.

The screen that follows will allow you to customize the format and frequency of your alert.

To set an alert on a particular topic area of the Discussion Board:

  1. Navigate to the Topics list: https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/dot/fhwa/ops/Lists/Topics/AllItems.aspx
  2. Select the check box next to the topic you wish to receive alerts for.
  3. Mouse over the item and chose "Alert Me" on the drop down menu.

An image displaying the "Alert Me" link.

The screen that follows will allow you to customize the format and frequency of your alert.

How to Add a New Discussion Topic

For steps on how to create a new discussion, visit the help page at https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/dot/fhwa/help/Help%20Wiki/How%20to%20Contribute%20to%20a%20Discussion.aspx.

Community Topic Areas

The discussion area has been divided into topic areas to make it easier to ask questions and find information. The current MUTCD topic areas are:

  • Improving Traffic Control and Mobility for Our Older Population
  • General
  • News
  • Pavement Markings
  • Signals
  • Signs
  • Temporary Traffic Control
  • Traffic Controls for School Areas

Participants are reminded that the purpose of this knowledge exchange is to transfer the latest generic information related to uniform traffic control devices. Its purpose is not to solicit, advertise, or provide information on proprietary materials or products. Discussions related to product promotion, topics such as court cases or traffic violations, and other similar discussions will be deleted from the web site, as will inappropriate language. Our appreciation is extended to all readers for paying close attention to these basic rules for this knowledge exchange.

Need Further Assistance

Please visit the Help Page at https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/support/default.aspx to ask questions about navigation, features, and other similar topics.

Enter the MUTCD Community of Practice to ask questions, get answers, network, and easily stay up to date.