Database Search

"Volcanoes of the World" is a database describing the physical characteristics of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions. This search returns a list which may be filtered based on a volcano name, volcano type, features, evidence of recent activity, location (set using a map), country, rock types, population within various distance ranges, or the availability of images. Name and country searches will also return subfeature names and synonyms; using other filters will result in only primary volcano names being returned. A standard set of fields is shown on the screen display, but full results with additional content may be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet.

Volcano Search

Filters for the Volcano Search.
  Question Mark
Map Link Image   
  Question Mark
  Question Mark
  Question Mark
   Question Mark
  Question Mark
  Only volcanoes with photos?

This field describes the compositions of rock composing from the volcano. If specific compositions are checked, the search will filter results for VOLCANOES that have that composition of rock, NOT specific eruptions of that composition. For example, checking "rhyolite" will filter for volcanoes that are composed partly of rhyolite, even if those volcanoes have also produced basaltic or andesitic eruptions.
Filter results based upon specific physical features identified on or within that volcano.
Only countries containing volcanoes in the database will be displayed in the dropdown. This selection creates results with all known synonyms and feature names in addition to primary names.
Filter results based on the names or partial names of volcanoes. In general it is unnecessary to use generic terms "Mount" or "Mt." in this field.
Filter results based on the evidence category used to include a volcano in this list.
Filter results based on the volcano type, or morphology. Each volcano is given a primary type, but many also have additional types entered.