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Information for exporters of U.S. goods and services

Choose an international office, partner post or Multi-lateral-Development Bank web site below. To find an Export Assistance Center nearest you see our list of U.S. Offices.

Our Offices at International Banks

African Development Bank Asian Development Bank
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Inter-American Development Bank
World Bank United Nations

International U.S. Commercial Service Offices

Albania* Gambia* New Zealand
Algeria Georgia* Nicaragua*
Argentina Germany Nigeria
Angola Ghana Norway
Australia Greece Oman*
Austria Guatemala Pakistan
Azerbaijan* Guinea* Panama
Bahamas* Haiti* Paraguay*
Bahrain* Honduras Peru
Bangladesh* Hong Kong Philippines
Barbados* Hungary Poland
Belgium Iceland* Portugal
Belize* India Qatar
Benin* Indonesia Romania
Bolivia* Iraq Russia
Bosnia and Herzegovina* Ireland Rwanda*
Botswana* Israel Saudi Arabia
Brazil Italy Senegal*
Brunei* Jamaica* Serbia
Bulgaria Japan Singapore
Burkina Faso* Jordan Slovakia
Cambodia* Kazakhstan Slovenia*
Cameroon* Kenya South Africa
Canada Kosovo* South Korea
Chile Kuwait Spain
China Latvia* Sri Lanka*
Colombia Lebanon Swaziland*
Congo - Kinshasa* Lesotho* Sweden
Costa Rica Liberia* Switzerland*
Cote d'Ivoire* Libya Tanzania
Croatia Lithuania* Taiwan
Cyprus* Macedonia* Thailand
Czech Republic Madagascar* Trinidad and Tobago*
Denmark Malawi* Tunisia*
Dominican Republic Malaysia Turkey
Ecuador* Mali* Turkmenistan*
Egypt Malta* Uganda*
El Salvador Mauritius* Ukraine
Estonia* Mexico United Arab Emirates
Ethiopia Mongolia* United Kingdom
European Union Montenegro* Uruguay
Fiji* Morocco Uzbekistan*
Finland Mozambique Vietnam
France Namibia* West Bank
Gabon* Netherlands Zambia*

*(Partner Post)

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