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Virtual/Augmented Reality Community

A New Prize Challenge for Virtual and Augmented Reality Learning Tools

A New Prize Challenge for Virtual and Augmented Reality Learning Tools

Summary: The Administration has launched a new competition for virtual and augmented reality developers to create learning tools to support career and technical education. “I’m calling for investments in educational technology that will help create. . . educational software that’s as compelling as the best video game. I want you guys to be stuck on […]

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Webinar Recap: A Look At Google’s Media Tool and Platform Offerings

Webinar Recap: A Look At Google’s Media Tool and Platform Offerings

Suddenly, digital video is everywhere on your social timelines. As a government storyteller, you may be overwhelmed about all the tools available and all of the features each publishing platform has to offer. Facebook, Twitter and SnapChat all offer great video platforms that are free and easy to use, plus they make it easy for you to market to […]

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Trends on Tuesday: Pokemon Go-es Away Slowly

Trends on Tuesday: Pokemon Go-es Away Slowly

The wildly popular, augmented reality game we reported on for Trends on Tuesday a few weeks ago and the focus of a piece about government agencies using it to engage citizens appears to have hit a ceiling and is slowly losing active fans in August according to a recent report in Bloomberg. While the mobile game may […]

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Video, VR, Mobile Reporting and More With Google

Video, VR, Mobile Reporting and More With Google

WEBINAR In this session, we’ll discuss Google’s latest tools, platforms and best practices around YouTube publishing, virtual reality, mobile reporting equipment/techniques and more.

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The Data Briefing: Chatbots and the Rise of Conversational Commerce and Citizen Experience

The Data Briefing: Chatbots and the Rise of Conversational Commerce and Citizen Experience

Ten months ago, I wrote about the rise of the post-app world in which mobile personal assistants would do the work of five to 10 apps combined. These mobile personal assistants, now known as chatbots, would work through conversational interfaces (voice and instant messaging, for example). The idea is to build more natural interfaces for people […]

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Trends on Tuesday: Big Ideas from Mobile World Congress

Trends on Tuesday: Big Ideas from Mobile World Congress

Mobile World Congress, the world’s largest mobile infrastructure, software, hardware, product and app show, took place in Barcelona, Spain, and I attended for the fifth time. This year’s show shattered previous records with more than 93,000 attendees across all the areas that mobile touches. Here are a few notable trends and topics that I came […]

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The API Briefing: NASA and USPS Explore the Holographic Computing Frontier

The API Briefing: NASA and USPS Explore the Holographic Computing Frontier

Big news in the technology world as Microsoft unveiled HoloLens and Microsoft’s use of holographic computing in the upcoming Windows 10 release. Holographic computing or augmented reality uses computer-generated images that are overlaid on real world videos. For example, a user can view a car through their smartphone. An app can project information such as […]

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