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Speeches & Testimony

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  • Remarks by Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska Before the Energy Bar Association Luncheon, Mid-Year Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 4, 2003
  • Statement of Commissioner Walter L. Lukken before the FOW's Trade Mission, Shanghai, November 21, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the International Practice of Derivatives Market Regulation Seminar, Sponsored by the Center for Strategic Research and the FRI Fund, Moscow, Russia, November 17, 2003
  • Address by Commissioner James E. Newsome before the Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, November 6, 2003
  • Address by Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the Cornerstone Research Conference, Market Manipulation in the Energy Markets, October 2, 2003
  • Remarks by Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the Bond Market Association, New Domestic Landscape for Financial Futures Seminar, New York, New York, September 9, 2003
  • Remarks by Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the Edison Electric Institute, Chief Executives Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 4, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the 24th International SFOA Bürgenstock Conference, The International Forum for Derivative Markets Re: Regulators Meeting, Bürgenstock, Switzerland, September 4, 2003
  • Statement of CFTC/FERC Chairmen Regarding Energy Market False Reporting & CFTC/FERC Joint Statement Re: Results of Their Analyses of the Feb 2003 Natural Gas Price Spike, July 23, 2003
  • Remarks by Chairman James E. Newsome before the National Corn Growers Association, Washington, DC, July 15, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the Global Energy Management Institute University of Houston, July 9, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the Futures Industry Association/Futures Option Association, International Derivatives Conference, June 10, 2003
  • Testimony by Chairman James E. Newsome before the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, June 5, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the Futures Industry Association Law and Compliance Luncheon, Chicago, May 28, 2003
  • Remarks of Commissioner Walter L. Lukken before the FOW's Derivatives and Risk Expo, New York, New York, May 21, 2003
  • Remarks of Chairman Newsome before the FOW's Derivatives and Risk Expo, New York, New York, May 20, 2003
  • Remarks of Commissioner Walter L. Lukken before the New York State Bar Association, Futures and Derivatives Law Committee, New York, New York, May 20, 2003
  • Remarks By Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the New York State Bar Association, Futures and Derivatives Law Committee, New York, New York, May 20, 2003
  • Remarks of Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the Regulations of Commodity Futures, Options and Derivatives Markets Conference, on Corporate Behavior and Financial Markets, Vanderbilt University, April 11, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission before the Bond Market Association, New York, New York, April 11, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the Annual Meeting of the National Energy Marketers Association, Washington, D.C., April 4, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the International Swaps and Derivatives Organization at the Energy and Developing Products Conference, Houston, Texas, March 26, 2003
  • Remarks of Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska before the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Energy and Developing Products Conference, Houston, Texas, March 26, 2003
  • Address by Chairman James E. Newsome before the 28th Annual International Futures Industry Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, March 13, 2003
  • Statement of Commissioner Walter L. Lukken before the National Grain Trade Council at their Annual Meeting, February 7, 2003
  • Remarks of Chairman James E. Newsome before the CFTC-FERC Technical Conference on Credit Issues and Potential Solutions in Energy Markets, Washington, D.C., February 5, 2003

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  • Steven Adamske
  • 202-418-5080
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