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Severe Weather Safety Social Media Toolkit

How to Use this Toolkit

The Severe Weather Safety Social Media Toolkit has severe weather safety and preparedness messages you can share on your social media channels. You can either copy these messages directly or customize them to reach your audience.

What you should know about Severe Weather

  • Know what to do before, during, and after severe weather.
  • Create a communications plan with your family before severe weather hits.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.
  • Listen to local officials.
  • Check your insurance policies to ensure you have enough coverage.
  • Evacuate if advised by local authorities.

Hashtags & Emoji’s

  • #SevereWxPrep
  • #GetReady
  • #PrepareAthon if you are conducting a preparedness exercise, tabletop discussion, or sharing a preparedness-in-action moment.
  • Feel free to add emoji’s (the little pictures on your mobile phone keyboard) to your social messages.

Graphics & Outreach Materials

For more engaging content, attach graphics to social media posts.  Below are collections of severe weather related graphics that you can share with the below text.


Know Your Risk

  • Know #SevereWxPrep terms. Watches=severe weather is possible.
  • Know #SevereWxPrep terms. Warnings=severe conditions have begun or will begin soon.
  • Timely info on weather conditions can make a big difference. Learn about alerts & warnings: #SevereWxPrep
  • Get alerts and warnings for impending weather events with a @NOAA Weather Radio. Learn more: #SevereWxPrep
  • Find out about local alerts and warnings by contacting your local emergency management or vising its website. #SevereWxPrep
  • Learn what alerts are available in your area, by doing an Internet search w/ your town, city or county name & the word alerts. #SevereWxPrep
  • Stay ready and informed! @PrepareAthon has the scoop on alerts and warnings here: #SevereWxPrep
  • Get a jump start on what to do before a #Tornado #Wildfire or #Flood by following @PrepareAthon #SevereWxPrep
  • Severe weather can strike any time of the year. Are you prepared? Follow @Readygov for updates. #SevereWxPrep
  • During severe weather Wireless #EmergencyAlerts can save your life. Watch how: #SevereWxPrep
  • Wireless Emergency Alerts are automatic texts sent to you in an emergency; no sign-up required: #SevereWxPrep
  • Sign-up for @Twitter Alerts from @FEMA for critical information in real-time: #SevereWxPrep
  • Take Action
  • Talk with your kids about #SevereWxPrep. Know the facts:
  • Make a plan to connect during severe weather by text, e-mail, social media & cell. #SevereWxPrep
  • #SevereWxPrep tips: Only travel if necessary, keep phones charged, check on neighbors, & bring pets indoors.
  • Pack an emergency kit for each person and pet traveling in your car in case evacuations are ordered: #SevereWxPrep
  • Flood
  • Learn what to do before, during & after a flood by visiting: #SevereWxPrep
  • Learn your flood risk by entering your address in the Flood Smart widget: #SevereWxPrep
  • If you approach a flooded road, path, or walkway follow this rule: Turn Around, Don't Drown®! #SevereWxPrep
  • "When roads are flooded, Turn Around, Don't Drown®! It may save your life!” #SevereWxPrep
  • Promote "Turn Around, Don't Drown®!" in your community to save lives before a #flood: #SevereWxPrep
  • If you’re already on “high ground” during a flood, stay where you are. Be prepared by having your supplies already stored. #SevereWxPrep
  • Gather & store supplies for all your common locations in case you need to stay in place during a flood. #SevereWxPrep
  • Get your “go bag” ready today in case you need to leave quickly due to a flood. For supply info visit: #SevereWxPrep
  • Snap some pictures of your property & do an inventory. This will be handy if flood waters damage your property. #SevereWxPrep
  • Before a flood: reduce potential property damage by elevating utilities & installing sewer backflow valves. #SevereWxPrep
  • In areas with repetitive flooding, consider elevating the building. #SevereWxPrep
  • Learn your evacuation routes today in case you’re directed to leave by local authorities due to a flood. #SevereWxPrep
  • Learn what to do before, during & after a flood in this How to Prepare for a Flood guide #SevereWxPrep
  • Whether it’s flash, river or coastal flooding, every community is subject to floods. Get prepared: #SevereWxPrep
  • < > occur in every U.S. state. Make sure your family is prepared & take action: #SevereWxPrep
  • 30: The number of days it takes for flood insurance to begin. Don’t wait until it’s too late! #SevereWxPrep
  • Get your organization prepared for a #flood with the @PrepareAthon flood playbook: #SevereWxPrep
  • Tornado
  • You may not always receive an official tornado alert so know the warning signs. Find them here: #SevereWxPrep
  • Funnel cloud, loud roar, & change in sky color are a few tornado warning signs. Learn others: #SevereWxPrep
  • Lightning and hail are common in tornado weather! Learn what else to expect. #SevereWxPrep
  • Best protective location in a tornado is a FEMA safe room or storm shelter built to International Code Council 500 Standards. #SevereWxPrep
  • Safe rooms & storm shelters can save lives. Consider installing a safe room built to FEMA standards. #SevereWxPrep
  • No safe room or storm shelter? Get to a sturdy building w/a small, interior, windowless room, lowest level, basement best. #SevereWxPrep
  • #Tornado Tip: A protective location in a sturdy bldg. is a small internal room w/out windows on lowest level or below ground. #SevereWxPrep
  • Practice moving quickly to a protective location in the places where you spend a lot of time. #PrepareAthon #SevereWxPrep
  • Tornadoes cause high winds which can knock out power. Be prepared by gathering supplies for each household member. #SevereWxPrep
  • Tornado survivors say having a plan on where to take cover saved their life. Where will you take cover? #SevereWxPrep
  • Know where you would go to protect yourself in a #tornado at every place you spend a lot of time. #PrepareAthon #SevereWxPrep
  • Know where to go if a Tornado Watch escalates to a Tornado Warning. Safe rooms and storm shelters save lives. #PrepareAthon #SevereWxPrep
  • Don't get it twisted! Tornadoes can occur with almost no warning! Get prepared w/ #PrepareAthon #SevereWxPrep
  • Live in a tornado-prone area? Practice going to your protective location often. #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon
  • Take time now to safeguard critical documents and take pictures or videos of your belongings. #SevereWxPrep
  • Wildfire
  • Learn about your wildfire risk from your local fire or forestry department. #SevereWxPrep
  • Clear area near your home of leaves, dead vegetation & other combustible materials to reduce sources of fuel. #SevereWxPrep #WildfirePrep
  • Prepare for a #wildfire by maintaining your lawn and removing combustible debris from around your home. #SevereWxPrep
  • THREE: The number of zones of defensible space @NFPA suggests creating around your home or business. #WildfirePrep #SevereWxPrep
  • Be prepared to evacuate in the event of a #wildfire by knowing your family’s evacuation plan. #SevereWxPrep
  • Before a #wildfire place critical documents in a fire safe. More tips here: #SevereWxPrep
  • Even if #wildfire doesn’t reach your home, you may lose power, water, & be unable to leave for several days. Plan Today! #SevereWxPrep
  • Use fire resistant materials for building construction, renovation, & landscaping to help protect property from a wildfire. #SevereWxPrep
  • Most wildfires are set by humans and can happen any time. Always be prepared.  #SevereWxPrep
  • If you see a wildfire, call 911. You may be the first person to have spotted it! #SevereWxPrep
  • Make plans today for how to stay in touch with loved ones if a #wildfire occurs. #SevereWxPrep
  • Be a Force of Nature
  • Get your community involved in doing these 10 actions! #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon
  • Drills aren’t just for your toolbox. Practice emergency drills with your family regularly. #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon
  • Host or participate in an emergency preparedness drill near you! Find events at #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon
  • Take part. Prepare. Join millions of Americans participating in #PrepareAthon.Visit: #SevereWxPrep
  • Visit year-round for helpful emergency preparedness tips. #SevereWxPrep
  • Follow @fema @NWS @Readygov @PrepareAthon for information on #SevereWxPrep
  • Help your friends get ready for severe weather #SevereWxPrep
  • Make sure your business has a #SevereWxPrep plan. Tips: 


  • Don’t wait.Communicate.Start your emergency plan today: #SevereWxPrep
  • Severe weather can strike at any time.Know the risk in your area and get prepared. #SevereWxPrep
  • During severe weather Wireless Emergency Alerts can save your life. Watch how: #SevereWxPrep
  • Take time to talk with your family about #SevereWxPrep. For more tips and information visit:
  • You may not be near a TV or radio to find out when severe weather is approaching. Learn the different ways you can get alerts and warnings by using the “Be Smart: Alerts and Warnings” guide. #SevereWxPrep
  • Be Smart. Take Part. Prepare. Register now to participate in America’s PrepareAthon! and provide details about the activities you’re planning. Share the steps you are taking to get yourself and your community prepared. For more information visit! #SevereWxPrep
  • Are you registered for America’s PrepareAthon? America’s PrepareAthon! is a national, grassroots campaign for action to increase community preparedness and resilience through hazard-specific drills, group discussions, and exercises. Visit to learn more. #SevereWxPrep
  • America’s PrepareAthon! has what you need to improve your preparedness such as a resource guideson what to do before, during, and after a severe weather emergency. Visit #SevereWxPrep
  • Want to get prepared for severe weather? America’s PrepareAthon! has 10 preparedness activities you can do to get ready for any emergency. Choose your activity today! #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon
  • Have you created a communications plan with your family? Create one before severe weather hits. #SevereWxPrep #PrepareAthon