Electric Power Monthly

Data for July 2012  |  Release Date: September 24, 2012  |  Next Release: October 2012  
|  full report

Previous Issues of Electric Power Monthly

SAS Output
Table 3.3 Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids, and Petroleum Coke:
Electric Power Sector by Census Divison, July 2012 and 2011

  Electric Power Sector Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers
Census Division July 2012 July 2011 Percent Change July 2012 July 2011 July 2012 July 2011
Coal (Thousand Tons)
New England 1,108 956 15.9% W W W W
Middle Atlantic 7,128 5,889 21.0% W -- W 5,889
East North Central 37,166 31,383 18.4% 28,156 24,177 9,010 7,206
West North Central 30,601 23,623 29.5% 30,601 23,623 -- --
South Atlantic 36,776 27,046 36.0% 33,539 23,956 3,236 3,091
East South Central 18,790 13,727 36.9% 18,790 13,727 -- --
West South Central 28,769 22,769 26.4% 17,450 14,191 11,319 8,578
Mountain 21,304 19,998 6.5% 19,985 18,946 1,318 1,051
Pacific Contiguous W W W W W W W
Pacific Noncontiguous W W W W W W W
U.S. Total 184,586 147,967 24.7% 150,200 119,631 34,386 28,336
Petroleum Liquids (Thousand Barrels)
New England 2,418 2,899 -16.6% 471 745 1,947 2,154
Middle Atlantic 5,992 6,551 -8.5% 2,437 2,692 3,556 3,859
East North Central 1,453 1,930 -24.7% W 1,616 W 314
West North Central 1,233 1,393 -11.5% 1,202 1,355 31 38
South Atlantic 14,295 13,777 3.8% 12,051 11,436 2,244 2,341
East South Central 1,928 2,062 -6.5% W W W W
West South Central 2,511 2,934 -14.4% W 2,203 W 732
Mountain 724 680 6.5% W 622 W 58
Pacific Contiguous 403 444 -9.1% W W W W
Pacific Noncontiguous 3,118 2,532 23.1% W W W W
U.S. Total 34,076 35,202 -3.2% 25,256 25,544 8,820 9,658
Petroleum Coke (Thousand Tons)
New England -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Middle Atlantic W W W -- -- W W
East North Central W W W W W W W
West North Central -- W W -- W -- --
South Atlantic W W W W W W W
East South Central W W W W W -- --
West South Central 126 W W W W W --
Mountain W W W -- -- W W
Pacific Contiguous W 6 W -- -- W 6
Pacific Noncontiguous -- -- -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Total 474 462 2.7% 216 411 258 50

W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions.
....... Values are preliminary. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form-923.
....... Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
....... Percentage difference is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form-923, 'Power Plant Operations Report.'