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  • 2016 Agency Financial Report

    Our Agency Financial Report (AFR) for Fiscal Year 2016 presents the Treasury’s financial information relative to our vital mission and stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.

    Read the report

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Secretary Geithner Travels to China
Treasury works closely with state, tribal, and local officials elected by the American people. A strong partnership will best enable Treasury to promote an economic policy agenda that ensures robust growth and job creation throughout the American economy.

Data Center

The Department of the Treasury's Data Center offers visitors raw data, graphs, and charts on topics ranging from Treasury interest rates to the Recovery Act to the International Capital System. For more on Treasury data, including more information on the Daily Treasury Yield Curve which you see on your right, explore the Data Center.

Untitled 1

Daily Treasury Yield Curve

This graph displays daily yield curve data

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Treasury Building Tours Modern Money - Introducing The New $20, $10, & $5

Financial Sanctions

OFAC sanctions programs and country information, Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List.
Learn more about Financial Sanctions.

Financial Stability

Provides information and updates on Treasury's efforts to wind down the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Visit

Wall Street Reform

It is time to restore responsibility and accountability to our financial system.
Find out more about Wall Street Reform.