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Join DigitalGov

Here, on DigitalGov, you can make government services and information better by sharing your tales, talents, and time. We know there’s a lot of innovation going on in agencies because we’ve seen it. We’ve seen the fruits of your experiments, read your strategies and RFPs, and watched you try new approaches to old problems. These are stepping stones, ladders, and accelerators for other agencies.

How can I contribute?


What’s in it for you?

  • Make government better.
  • Get published.
  • Show everyone what you know.
  • Learn or hone skills.
  • Connect with other digital government innovators.
  • Earn badges!

Article guidelines

What types of articles are we looking for? We want posts on what government is doing in digital, general digital news, trends and issues on implementing digital for the public. It’s important to have a government angle. Your experiences—successes and less than successes—and your opinions on how to implement DigitalGov are valuable. This can accelerate time to change, leapfrogging experiences and creating efficiencies through sharing.

  • Do you have a story to tell that will  inform, intrigue, and inspire your colleagues?
  • Are you working on something innovative or interesting at your agency?
  • Found success in an unexpected place?
  • Have a great tip to pass along?

Send your article ideas to us.
