Data Services


DOE Data ID ServiceDOE Data ID Service

The DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) offers a service for registering datasets to help increase access to digital data from DOE-funded scientific research.  Through the DOE Data ID Service, OSTI assigns persistent identifiers, known as Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), to datasets submitted by DOE and its contractor and grantee researchers and registers the DOIs with DataCite to aid in citation, discovery, retrieval, and reuse.

DOIs can be used to search for datasets on a number of OSTI's scientific and technical information database products. OSTI assigns and registers DOIs for datasets for DOE researchers as a free service to enhance the Department of Energy's management of this important resource.

OSTI, the only U.S. government member of DataCite, can assign DOIs to other federal agencies' datasets on a cost-reimbursable basis. For information about this interagency service, please contact DOE Data ID Service 

Last updated on Monday 06 June 2016