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NITRD Program Supplement to the President’s Budget – FY 2017

Category: NITRD Supplements
Available Format: PDF pdf
Pages: 88
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The annual Supplement to the President’s Budget for the NITRD Program provides a technical summary of the research activities planned and coordinated through NITRD in a given federal budget cycle, as required by law.

The details are organized by PCA and presented using a common format:
* Listing of the NITRD member agencies and participating agencies active in the PCA
* Definition of the research covered in the PCA
* Strategic priorities in the PCA for the forthcoming fiscal year
* Budget highlights – agencies’ key R&D programs and topical emphases in the PCA for the forthcoming year
* Interagency coordination – current and planned activities in which multiple agencies are collaborating
* Ongoing core activities of each agency in the PCA

The NITRD Supplement includes an annual budget table and budget analysis section, organized by PCA and by agency, to facilitate budgetary and programmatic comparisons from year to year.

In addition, the NITRD Supplement provides brief summaries of the interagency program focus areas coordinated under the NITRD Program’s CoP and SSGs, including each group’s strategic priorities and current and planned coordination activities for the forthcoming year.

The President’s FY 2017 budget request for the NITRD Program is $4.54 billion. The document identifies the NITRD Program’s strategic priorities underlying the requests, highlights of the budget requests, planning and coordination activities supporting the request, and 2016 and 2017 activities by agency.